I was thinking to myself that Beth could make a whole new game out of this settlement thing,perhaps in a different setting.
Medieval fantasy world,your quest is to re-build a destroyed kingdom.It'd play out like TES,run around a massive map,do quests,all that silly stuff,but you could have a massively expanded building system so you really could build up an entire capital city+ keeps,farmland etc and populate it with not just generic npcs,but named npcs you'd meet out questing all with specializations in things,some would even dole out quests.With the entire focus of the game eventually rebuilding this massive city,it would take a long time to gather the mats and the npcs.Plus you could enlist a standing army.
Periodically some rival force,enemy kingdom,whatever...would attack your city.It'd have to be seperate to their existing worlds.Like a crossbreed of TES/FALLOUT/MINECRAFT/MODDING.
I'd buy it