200+ hours in and I've yet to see any. Maybe they are specifically on a character and you just have to steal them. .. but I've yet to even see anybody wearing them. I didn't even know they existed until I read your thread and looked them up. Found that one thread on reddit. I'm not level 50 yet so if they truly are level dependent I guess I'll just have to wait until I get there. I didn't start finding wraparound goggles until around level 35 or so I think. .. and those are terrible. Make me look like Neo from the Matrix. It's good to know that I'll have another set of goggles to keep a look out for though.
Ive seen them on raiders a few times, unless there are different variations.
Haven't found a pair yet but you got admit getting a +1PER for wearing welding goggles is just too perfect...something tells me devs never wore a pair in their lifes. And me and Duffus look the part both sporting them
~ player.additem (or player.placeatme) 000a81b0 1
road goggles, enjoy
Unfortunately, not everyone has the PC version of the game.
Well... that's their fault isn't it?
*dives in foxhole*
However... if they are able to use the console commands, that should help