That kind of makes sense now that I think about it. The settlers assigned to the crops are actually "tending" to them so of course a plant that is just left alone wouldn't produce any items, I thought you could set it and forget it
That kind of makes sense now that I think about it. The settlers assigned to the crops are actually "tending" to them so of course a plant that is just left alone wouldn't produce any items, I thought you could set it and forget it
Corn, Mutfruit and Purified Water are the ingredients to make Vegetable Starch, which in turn can be broken down into Adhesive. Since pretty much every gun mod and armor mod use adhesive, it's a good thing to have lots of and definitely something you should look into as soon as possible
I'm pretty sure there is a crafting use for Tatos as well, though I cant think of it off the top of my head.
"I have found that the most effective way to have them produce is to assign settlers to them"
This eventually worked for me, it happened by accident at first due to the game "auto-assigning" my settlers to certain crops. Once I figured out that the bugged plants just needed to be assigned I was able to move most of them, though there are some stragglers that are still bugged.
Again, this only happens in Sanctuary. I have a bunch of unassigned crops at Abernathy Farm and they aren't bugged in the least.
LoL, I can't even get Mama Murphy to get her butt out of that chair. She just sits there begging for chems all day
Yeah man, I've all but given up on Sanctuary. I turned off the Recruitment Beacon, stopped building and then assigned remaining settlers to supply lines.
That svcks though, since Sanctuary is my "home" and has things like Shaun's crib and toys in it. I was attempting to role play a bit and invest some time into building my original house back to "normal", which is something my character would have done. I guess I'll just have to buld a crib from the workshop in another area.
Following up on my post from yesterday. I was right. All those crops you can not scrap and don't show in your build mode are in the midst of growing. They will reactivate and then you can harvest and scrap them if you want.
Put it in the river. There's a flat space directly behind the yellow "base house". I have 4 of them and a good crop of purified comes in every day. Just remember that they need powered.
Of course it is. I do it all the time.
I do all my own harvesting since, apparently my settlers are inept (of course about 1/2 of them are ghouls! weird). Of course I do my own planting as well. Quite a nice crop of carrots, melons, gourds, tato's and razorgrass at the moment. I'll get some corn in there too, but I have to find some first.
What is this about a chair? This is my 3rd playthrough and she has never asked me for a chair. She just does her scrapping and sleeps in her bed. Sure she begs for chems all the time, but I won't give her any. This time I convinced her to quit and she's been good ever since.
I do have to agree with the other poster that you should never let Mama near the produce. Marci and Jun are fine at it, but not Mama. She's cursed that way. A good scrapper she is though!
We had a good discussion about this in another thread because I also had crops dying and becoming un-activatable, so here's what I ended up doing and it works well.
For the dead plants I found it's best just to disable them in the console if you're playing on PC of course. Open the console, click on the plant and type disable and hit enter. It should go away. If not you can try markfordelete and save and reload the cell.
Then I only plant 6 Mutfruit or 12 of any other variety at one time and spread them out a tiny bit more than than the game will actually allow you to plant them. Mutfruit is great because you can get double the production in a small space. Once I have 6 of Mutfruit or 12 of another plant I find a settler and assign them to that group of plants. If you watch your food counter you will see it go up as the game recognizes their production.
Next, I'll go to an area a good pace away from that first batch of plants and repeat with another settler. I do it this way because it assures that every plant you plant will produce resources for you and every settler is being efficient with their farming.
One last thing that I do until a mod comes out to be able to rename the settlers is that I put all my farming people in the blue and red mechanic jumpsuits and baseball caps, and all my scrappers/scavengers in the green mechanic jumpsuit once they have been assigned a job to do and a bed to sleep in. Yes, I add the clothes with the console.
This procedure has made it a LOT easier to figure out who is who, and who has not been assigned a job in my settlements.
Hope this helps!
One other thing, when I first started I would plant 30 or 40 plants in an area and that is whet led to them dying because they weren't being properly harvested.
Cause you never gave her any chems I suppose.
She asks you to build her a chair after you give her them a few times.
Oh. Okay. She uses the chair I made her in her room and the bed too, so I guess I really don't care. I make drugs and sell them to the dealers, I don't give them to anybody.
Apparently I don't mind being a supplier, as long as I'm not a dealer.