Having a bad case of restartitius, I created a new character and went through the usual newby stuff. Preston sent me off to Tenpines for my first quest, and that was fun (as well as expected). the assignment kinda floored me, in more ways than one.
He sent me off to the Finch Farm (that's the first time that happened) for my next minuteman quest. I was still very low level, and I wasn't too concerned as I moseyed along on the way, but... the closer I got, the nastier everything became. Things progressed from Alpha Mongrels to a Legendary Mr Gutsy near the farm. Then it was off to the smelter, where I immediately ran into a Yao Gui. With a high pitched scream of total fear and running for my life, I led it straight into the arms of "The Forged" who were outside the building.
Here's the paranoia thing though. From the Alpha Mongrels to the end of the quest, literally everything and everyone I faced had a skull following its name. The quest consisted of a lot of running, a lot of dying, followed by yet more running and then some dying. The boss fight with my 30 second life expectancy consisted of reload after reload once I went through the final door.
I did manage to finish the quest, but tell me... Do you think the game was out to get me? Does FO4 have an evil intellect that sometimes says "Heh, Watch this! I am going to screw with this guy till hell won't have it!"?
Finally, have you been sent on early stage quests where everything is way above your level?