Then I die.
For whatever reason, the game decides to spawn a Super Mutant Suicider right next to me, and he immediately detonates his mini-nuke before I can get away. There's no approaching beeping, and the enemies outside are all dead, so he didn't follow me from there. It's literally "Beep Beep Boom". After several runs trying to find and take this guy out while also doing stealth, I say screw it, swing around to the other side of the building, and enter that way. All combat is done straight; no stealth. I even head down into the basemant and clear it out.
No Suicider in the basemant. No Suicider in the entire building. The guy only spawned if I entered through the other door and tried to let the Protectrons clear the building.
What possible reason could there be to punish the player for trying to stealth their way through? Why would it be acceptable to spawn an enemy that causes a massive AoE explosion right next to the player, eliminating their chance to get away? If you're going to add multiple points of entry, why would you turn around and punish them for using one of them? This makes no sense to me. Could someone explain?