I mean seriously. The game even makes you wait until gun nut rank 3 before you can build a .38 receiver, and even that doesn't have a better rate of fire in exchange for reduced damage.
Also how does a .44 do more damage than a .45?
I mean seriously. The game even makes you wait until gun nut rank 3 before you can build a .38 receiver, and even that doesn't have a better rate of fire in exchange for reduced damage.
Also how does a .44 do more damage than a .45?
And it doesn't even have glow sights, which the pipe revolver does.
The game is filled with puzzles such as this.
at least the .44 is very good. especially kellog's with luck/agi build.
ugh vats can shove it. Give us back rng criticals.
Personally I think that "tactical" sight is just God-awful aesthetically. It's a shame how much your accuracy is penalized by not using it.
I think so too. And it makes zero sense for there to be less sighted accuracy with iron sights. It's intrinsically more difficult to aim with iron sights versus reflex sights; we don't need an accuracy penalty on top of that.
You'd think we could at least get a laser sight mod like the one from NONV. man that thing looked cool as F
.44 Magnum has a higher muzzle energy and faster than .45 ACP. Taking the same MFG, Speer Gold Dot hollow points as a comparison the .44 with a 210 grain bullet weight has a muzzle energy of 980 ft. lbs. at 1450 feet per second. The .45 ACP with a 230 grain bullet is coming in at 404 ft. lbs. at 805 feet per second.
The highest energy .45 I could find does 700 ft. lbs. at the muzzle at 1650 FPS while on the other hand .44 can do 1649 ft. lbs. at 1478 FPS. The .44 Magnum is no joke of a round, don't get hung up on the diameter of the bullet, the .44 has a much larger casing which equals more powder which equals much higher energies. A lot of Alaskan hunters carry the .44 in case of Grizzly attacks which is saying something.
A .44 magnum has about double the muzzle energy ("damage" in video game terms) as a .45 ACP and about 1.5x as a .45 Colt when fired from similar guns. That part, at least, makes sense.
I love the look of the Reflex Sights, but yeah I wish there were Laser Sights in this game. And I mean real laser sights, where I can see the dot on my enemy, not just a rinky-dink laser poking out of my gun like the mods in Fallout 3.
Yea But .45 and .50 hand cannons/magnums do way more damage, and since there isn't a variation of ammunition types APC Hollow tip rounds and SWC in 4 like FONV it makes no sense. Look at the Revolvers in New Vegas, the Ranger Sequoia uses .45 - .70 Govt. Rounds and is the most powerful one handed weapon in the game, even when not using hand loaded ammunition.
Hell the .44 is even more powerful than a .308 conversion pipe revolver pistol. It's just stupid.
At least in FONV you could see the laser beam.
Who said anything about .45 APC though. There are no specific variations of ammunition in the game. That argument holds no weight.
That is a value for a .45 I found.
Now if you go into .45-70 govt rounds like the sequoia uses in NV you get these numbers.
.45 ACP is the most common .45-caliber round by a country mile, and one of the most common handgun rounds available. Everything from 1911s to early tommy guns to modern automatics have been chambered for it. Odds are pretty good that the .45 round in Fallout 4 is supposed to be a .45 ACP.
The .45-70 is a rifle round, so odds are the energy figures you found for that were measured in a full-length rifle. Longer barrel = more velocity = more energy. Wikipedia's stated energies for .45 ACP were measured in a 5" barrel, energies for .45 Colt and .44 magnum in 7.5" barrels, and energies for the .45-70 in 24" barrels. Fired from a pistol, I'd wager even the modern .45-70 rounds wouldn't be much higher than a .44 magnum.
If you're interested, http://www.ballisticsbytheinch.com/calibers.html has some neat info. Used it a lot when I was trying to get New Vegas' damage to be a little more representative of the real world.
I wish they allowed both
I think the only weapons that do better outside vats are the cheese explosive/wounding automatics and shotguns.