Well, how abysmal was it exactly?
apparently not, but then i'm not one who misses it.
though i'm not opposed to seeing it in game if it was handled well, NV's ammo crafting was pretty messy, and unless you're into your guns n' ammo it wasn't much fun. i didn't even know what most of the calibers were, there were so many types it got overwhelming. at least i could ignore it without it interrupting my game.
i'm on the fence with the legendary items, some of them are really fun (plasma shotgun my favourite), but they feel like too much of a nod to TES, and don't really feel they belong. maybe they are just too common to really feel earned. i usually just equip that stuff on my companions, some of the legendary armor really helps keep them on their feet.
One of the worst stories in RPG history. Sure it had a few good mechanics but if you can't keep somebody immersed for that long then you don't have a good game. Especially with the terrible story. "I'm a mail man, somebody shot me in the head."
Apparently every day is opposite day for you. You actually LIKE a terrible game.
It had the best Fallout DLC. Not many games allow you to have a conversation with your own disembodied brain. Although, considering that there is only 11 Fallout DLC, there is not much to choose from. Seriously hope Bethesda doesn't do something stupid like the Courier's Stash and Gun Runner's Arsenal with Fallout 4.
I'm just glad they didn't make another abysmal Fallout game.
I hope they get to make a better version of FO4 like they made a better version of FO3
Oh yeah, the better version they made called FALLOUT 3 GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION.
Well it was at least an original story and a new one, compared to fallout 3's direct copy of Fallout 1 and 2.
People say this all the time, but I don't get it. The links to the Water Chip and the GECK are really superficial. The Enclave is re-hashed as the main villain again, sure, but the vast majority of quests involving them play out way different. In fact, that goes for all of the quests in Fallout 3. And this isn't even mentioning the role of our Father, and Project Purity.
I do miss the ability to convert ammo into more useful types, I've taken to giving my modded automatic .38 'Pipeboy (and ammo) to my companion to reduce my vast stock of .38 and giving away other types to my settler guards. Most of the ammo types in the game for me are either sold off cheaply, stored until I have to use them for lack of ammo in my primary weapons and given away to settlers.
It's modded in game already, only thing I miss is ammo breakdown...
I didn't know you had to look for your father in Fallout 1. Oh wait, you didn't. You got a piece from another vault.