This is exactly I was going to ask. They had this system in Skyrim before, but it seems to me, that what worked with guilds doesn't work here.
Because in Skyrim, you had more wide options, but here, they force you to go to the very same building with every faction, so it could happen, you will have to go there like 3x times in 1 playthrough, which will cause you to start to dislike that building. That will lead to disliking the whole game.
In Skyrim it was different, because you have variability there made by different races and classes, but in Fallout there is nothing like that. So the only variability provided are very distinct factions, funny and almost scandelous, definitly non typical. As it was originaly meant in the series.
But in Fallout 4, they are different by name and starting quest, but after that, they made them similar and IMHO, that is what lowered value of the game. Also from all the funny small factions they made enemies. So again, nothing interesting.
Is that worthy for Bethesda to do this? I mean they try to have very original and funny hidden side quests that are hard to find and they then implemented, and in Fallout 4 fully developed, a system based on repeating simple tasks in factions that not only you cannot miss, but you will have to accomplish in every playthrough?
Why they keep so big attention to quests that are hard to find and give players something like that in quite large, and after the main quest, the most important part of the game, and they do not see where it will leads to?
I still do like the game, but I will be forced to skip faction because of that....
And also they will piss off players by implementing a feature into a singleplayer game, that is main for MMOs and that is the reason some players do not play MMOs