(Very hard level:) An armor piece with invisibility ability when entering sneak mode. Just wondering whether there was a direct approach to get it when starting a new game? Did it come from killing a Behemoth or something?
(Very hard level:) An armor piece with invisibility ability when entering sneak mode. Just wondering whether there was a direct approach to get it when starting a new game? Did it come from killing a Behemoth or something?
No buggers at all. In fact it makes it look more real, since the display is in stealth mode too of course ...
My old eyes cannot make heads or tales of what I see when it is in that mode... age. waddyagonnado
where did you get that 2-shot gauss? must have been in extreme ends of map to drop that much power!
Neither can mine, but you aren't suppose to see anything in stealth, so that's why you have to move or stand before looking
There is a vid on youtube where a guy was testing the difference between wearing 1 piece or a full set of Chameleon armor. He had at least 5 high level super mutants surrounding him and he simply squats and they all walked away except for one that kept firing it's minigun right at the guy's feet; not hitting him either. It was silly to watch.
I guess the effect works like chameleon in Oblivion who was an pain for most uses, still nice for the settings where you had to do stuff right under the nose of people but nothing I would use in an fight.
Just picked up a Poisoner's Fat Man. Most redundant Legendary bonus ever.
"Two-Shot" anything, but I prefer the Laser Musket version for ease of Ammunition at a lower level, and when You add a six crank Capacitor...
I got two rocket launchers. An assassins three barrel one, +50% damage vs humans I think. And the other is quad barrel with +% against super mutants, 50% again I think. A pity they are so damn heavy, I can't carry them around as a standard weapon. Still waiting on the no reload fatman or rocket launcer, just rain down death everywhere.
I'm destroying everything with the Explosive Combat Shotgun, some time I kill 2 with only one shot. Right now it's definitely my best Legendary item.
Chameleon armor can be pretty fun, if you have all your other needs mapped to your short cuts.
I had a toon sporting a couple pieces of it. All you really need is a weapon with enhances sights (the green cirlce and dot) or scope. And it gets a little silly. It kind of reminds me of chinese stealth armor.
I am supremely jealous, the best I have received is an Instigating Laser Rifle
I once found an explosive shotgun..... ten seconds before my neighborhood lost power...
Most useful drop for me was a Laser Rifle that had both a VATS accuracy buff and -25% in AP costs. Combined it with some combat armor that boosted VATS for some insanely long ranged, never miss, VATS action.
I have one of those, and it's the best legendary weapon in the game. Mirelurk Queen on Survival? LOL.
It's called "Lucky ..." something, because the rest is changed when modding. It says "Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster.