Baring in mind it was a group of raiders in DC who found it..
Plus the company behind nuka cola is dead.
I.e; nuka cola isnt produced anymore. There was so many made pre-war you can still find them 200 years later.
If youre looking for something to spruce up your nuka colas ingame; MINOR SPOILER BELOW
In goodneighbour theres a quest to find a new brewing machine. (Cant remember the location) This brewing machine is literally a modified protectron that acts as a fridge and a beer brewer..
You can either keep it or give it to the quest-giver.
If you give it back, you get 10 ice-cold beer per ingame day and recieve at most 400 caps
If you keep it, you can get 40 ice-cold beers per day (you can find different beer recipies aswell) and you can put nuka cole - any kind - into him, leave it for an ingame day and it turns ice-cold.. Which say.. Nuka cola quantumn gives +400 HP.. Ice-cold nuka cola quantumn gives +600 HP