Hopefully someone who actually uses Larry will reply.
I have read a lot about what people think he does, but not much in the way of first hand knowledge.
In my case I can't get any of the special merchants to work. They never show up at my towns or do not offer the option to hire them at all in the conversation choices. I have had the Vault tech and Rylee just disapear from the game after sending them off to Sanctuary. In another characters play through Rylee does not have the option to hire her.
I still need to find those wondering merchants myself, guess I'll have to stop fast traveling? not sure the best way to trigger random encounters like that, but I assume walking the main roads will.
Yeah, walking around is the best way to get those random encounters. I have so far met 3 special merchants. Only 1 of them has ever turned up at my settlement, the vault-tec rep. He sells a single piece of garbage legendary armour. It has been weeks ingame and it has never change. Maybe if I buy it off of him he will stock something else. Smiling Larry, and another I can not remember the name of, said they would join me but never turned up at my settlements. Perhaps next time I will follow them the whole way to make sure they make it there safely.
Thanks for the replies.
I have the vault-tech rep, but I understand that he isn't a true lvl 4 merchant in the same sense as Larry. He does operate my lvl 3 weapons booth in sanctuary, but doesn't sell anything special. Maybe I will try him on the Armor booth.
Subjagator, you said that Vault-Tech rep actually has a legendary armor in his shop? My Vault tech rep does not, but as I mentioned, he is currently manning my weapons booth.
So far, I haven't heard of anyone who is actually employing Smiling Larry.
I wonder if it is actually possible to get him and employ him as a weapons vendor. Seems like it really isn't possible.
Try looking at this. http://i.imgur.com/DhdcfyN.png
I don't think it is complete, because I was able to ask someone not on the list but since she didn't show up I have no idea if she was a special vendor, or just some random named NPC who can join you for some reason. I put my vault-tec rep on a general stand, they probably have to be on the correct stand to sell their legendary stuff.
Yes, I have the guide book that I think that came from. Thanks for looking it up and posting it, though.
I should move Vault-tech guy to the General Emporium where he is supposed to be.
So far, I haven't heard from anyone who actually has Larry running their weapons emporium. That is the one I am most interested to hear about.
Yeah, looks like Larry is bugged and may not appear. I might try the console commands to try to fix him later but if he is only selling that single legendary weapon then I haven't missed out on much. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Smiling_Larry
I thought Vault Tec sales puke was suppose to be put on the general trader top level booth, am I wrong? I just sent the guy in DS that is a Nuka Cola freak to Sanctuary, when he shows up, should I assign him the Clinic? Does anyone have a list?
per this thread
and me confirming that this at least works with the scribe and with Ron Staples (drink vendor), you can do the following.
Open console and type the following for the scribe