Console command to reset events?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:38 am

Is there a console command code to reset Combes argument? I like to get him as a merchant, but the game glitched and they stay together even when I told the two to get a divorce.

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james kite
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:47 pm

I could help with that. but I'd need more info. I haven't ran across what your talking about yet. What quest are your talking about? What was the current objective at the time of the conversation your trying to reset? Detail, details, details, I need 'em. :nerd:

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Amanda savory
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:54 pm

Vault 81, Holt and Alexis argue and you come in to intervene. You can convince Alexis to leave Holt, which then present the opportunity to ask Holt to come to your settlement. I told Alexis to leave Holt, but she didn't go. It's like the part with Tina where you have to kill Bobby in order for her to join your settlement.

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Louise Dennis
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:31 pm

In order to locate the quest stage that governs this dialogue, I need the name of the quest, not the location. I doubt the name of the quest was Vault 81. If you can, look it up in your pip boy. Even if you finished it, it will be listed in the shaded ones below the active ones. In the meantime, I'll try to guess, but there are hundreds and hundreds of quests with thousands of stages and tens of thousands of lines of dialogue and the tool I'll use (FO4Edit) doesn't really allow for searching broadly. :)

Okay, never mind. It was called Vault 81. Thanks and... sorry.

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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:34 am

It's difficult to determine which stage the dialogue in question is part of as it's not really germane to the quest. The best action would be to simply load an earlier save before you had this dialogue. If that's not possible...

Leave the vault. Save your game in a new slot.

Enter the console and type:

resetquest B8464

Then enter the vault.

If you can tell me what quest objective was current just before the dialogue in question took place, I could give a quest stage setting to try as well.

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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:22 am

After enter the vault, the next quest would be Here Kitty Kitty, after entering the Vault, you have to follow a little kid around where he show you the locations of the vault, you can see Holt and Alexis argued in there and you can come in and convince Alexis to leave Holt. I'll try that quest. I hope it doesn't mess up Curie since that was the place where you suppose to recruit Curie.

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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:07 am

After a bit more checking the Kitty quest seems irrelevant. That threw me off for a while. I was looking for the current objective of the Vault 81 quest, not the next quest. The objectives are those little bits of text that get checked off as you complete the associated stages. If you highlight the quest in the pipboy, the current objective is displayed on the right. Sometimes there is even a longer description that pops up after the little quest animation plays (like with minutemen quests where the vault boy walks and salutes).

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