Just to start, want to state that I am sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section of the forums, and if there is a better section, feel free to move it there.
Now, on to the juicy stuff. I've been playing the game for the almost 8 days (accumulated game time fyi) and I gotta say, I am loving it. Shooting mechanics are amazing, combat is fluid, settlements are fun, etc etc. But, with all things, there are places the game can be improved upon.
So, below I have created a list of suggestions that I feel would greatlu improve the game (Gonna split these into sections, for organizational purposes)
1: Settlements
A) Provisioner Recall: So the concept behind this one is relatively simple. Essentially, it would act as a "Return To Home" button, making the provisioners on a given supply route return to their home settlement. This would make it easier to assign and reassign provisioners to dofferent duties (and not get provisioners mixed up when doing the "Send To" option)
B ) Snap Toggle: So this is another improvement that is relatively simple conceptually. Basically, it would allow you to toggle the Snap feautre in Settlement Construction mode to allow you to freely place a wall, floor, etc piece, without having to spin it around, flip it around, etc etc, and would help make placing walls in certain angles a little easier
C) Custom Prefab Saver: Again, another simple concept that would really improve things. As the name suggests, this would allow you to construct a building and then save it as a prefab building for use in other settlements (would save time and effort if you like a certain design and want to use it again on another settlement)
D) Move Junk Around: So for this one, it would allow us to be able to select the junk items (wrecked cars, barrels, etc) and be able to move them around (instead of just junking them all the time).
E) Custom Fence Path Creator: So this one is a little more complicated. Basically, the idea is similar to the one used in Age Of Mythology (for those of you who have played that game before, you'll know what I am talking about in this). Essentially, you would place down Fence Posts, creating a line or path that upon finishing, would fill in the gapes of the fence line with fencing. Could be tricky, but would make placing this stuff alot easier.
F) Manequins, Weapon Racks, and Display Cases: So I am surprised Bethesda didn't include this one, since it was so popular in Skyrim, but basically, these would allow you to display all your cool weapons, armor, and treasures that you find in your adventures across the wasteland. Really scratching my head as to why this was never brought over from skyrim....
G) Sharing Furniture Between Settlements: This one is basically self-explanatory, but basically it would allow you to share furniture not being used between settlements. Would save time, cut down on construction costs, etc.
I'm gonna stop here for now, as its getting late and I am falling asleep. Will update with more ideas later.
If ya have any of your own ideas, post em below!
I hope Bethesda reads this lol