For those of you who haven't encountered him (and a few of the other 'random travelers') and who use Fast Travel: it is _really_ worth considering curtailing your Fast Traveling.
Bethesda is wise to include fast travel, its like the "Yeah I have a lighter" guy who sells you crack. But once you're hooked, the real way to savor these games, is slow and low. Walk don't run. Walk, don't fast travel. Walk your way around the Wasteland.
I mean, what is going to happen? You gonna die next week? What you gotta go to work tomorrow? So what? Play the game tomorrow night too. And the next night, and the next, and so on. Why ever play any other game really? This game, like every other game in Bethesda chequered history of promoting game addiction is a " way of life" more than a mere "game." You cannot beat it. You cannot fully comprehend it, nor see it all . . . EVER. Okay? So just abandon that notion that by running or fast traveling you'll get to experience it all, you won't.
Plus, you'll miss out on awesome characters like Gene. And the random Wastelanders who hit on you. And the random traveling salesmen you can recruit to your settlements. And the random Brahmin dealers, drug dealers, prosttutes, seers, raving madmen . . .
Gene is an awesome character and a testament to the love Bethesda oozes into its Fallout. His dialogue is brilliant. I won't spoil it.
Haven't encountered him yet despite a devoted "non-fast travel ethic," well . . . sorry brother/sister. Just keep wandering I guess, and whistling along with Ella. You're luck will change