A while back I forced the weather through console command to be more suitable for a screenshot (command: fw *id*). I think it was the radstorm weather I changed it too.
I didn't notice any problems afterwards and the weather kept changing (clear/normal/rainy), however after a while I noticed something wrong with the nightsky. There was none. It was still dark during nightime ofcourse or I would have noticed it much earlier but there was no stars and no moon, just alot of clouds and darker then daytime. I must have happened after I forced the weather through console and I haven't been thinking about it until now.
After I realized that I changed it to DefaultWeather (fw 0000015e) but then there was what looked to be a sun appeared "behind" the night sky(still no stars/moon) so I changed it to CommonealthClear (fw 0002b52a) and that seem to fix it and I had a clear nightsky with stars and the moon.
Even if it seems to be fixed now I'm worried there will be other weather related problems that will worsen my experience of fallout 4 without directly knowing there is a problem (it took me a while to notice something was wrong with the nightsky and during that time I started dislike playing during night).
Is there anyone else who have noticed problems after using this command or is there any known sideeffects from using the "force weather" command? I haven't been able to find anyone else who had this problem.