I am old and extremely set in my ways. I can't change that; nor will I.
I am old and extremely set in my ways. I can't change that; nor will I.
My one and only complaint with the talk and command system is when you are at Fort Hagen with the dog. I know there a people who hate me for dislike being around Dogmeat, but he annoys me. He constantly under foot. I hate that in real life and I hate it in the game. I just wish he would go lay down somewhere. That said I struggle with the talk and command system. Like Dogmeat, I don't like it either and so it frustrates me and I essentially get mad about. I guess from now on I will just keep things to myself.
I fully understand that there is a learning curve with every new game. But the combination of the learning curve coupled with the bugs can be utterly annoying, for me at least. So, I voice my opinion about it-- good, bad or indifferent. I am not a Mathematician and I am certainly not into statistical anolysis. And, if that isn't bad enough I not into puzzles either and RPG'sa chuck full of the, I am of the old adage: "Keep it simple stupid." And, yes, I have played all of those video games that I mentioned in an earlier post.To that end I am not much of a fan of multiplayer games, but I do like Tera Rising and Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Incidentally, I finally figured out how to use the talk/command options. So, it is now making it easier to play the game. My toon is a Sniper and she is deadly, if not distracted by companions getting in the way. I am an Archer in both Skyrim and in Tera Rising. In DAI I am a Mage. In Mass Effect I am a Adept. In Fallout 3 and in New Vegas I am also a Sniper.
In addition to everything else, I have noticed that with Strong I often need to stand if I was crouched, or crouch if I had been standing, to get the conversation with "trade" to be visible at any distance. I think this might have to do with how tall he is, but just looking up and down by itself does not reliably work for me.