Every time I start up Fallout 4 the game takes forever to sync. I've tried everything to fix this with Microsoft support and they couldn't figure it out. I need help before I sell this game.
Every time I start up Fallout 4 the game takes forever to sync. I've tried everything to fix this with Microsoft support and they couldn't figure it out. I need help before I sell this game.
Yea that's normal. The reason I say it's normal is go and check out the size of the save files. Last time I checked mine it was sitting at ~450 Megs Edit, it's now at 710 Megs >.<
every game on steam is like that ^^ you can turn the steam cloud off, if it annoys you
You have the dread Save File Bloat.
Pray for a working Save Game Cleaner soon. Otherwise - start over, or at least back at a reasonable save file size.
After 260 hours, my saves are 18 MB, which is about what I would expect. Back on November 10, they started at 3 MB.
You can disable steam cloud so it doesn't have to sync.
But then you don't have backup of your save on steam servers so If you care about having backup, you'll have to make them manually.
To turn it off for individual game right click the game in your library, go to properties then Update. There should be a check box for steam cloud.
To turn it off completely go to Steam>Setting>Cloud and uncheck the "enable steam cloud synchronization for applications which support it"
So I'm guessing I can't just delete the rest of the saves and carry on? :/ The actual save files are only ~11-15 megs big but there are plenty of them I sorta save a lot....Could it not just be that there are many of them? I don't see any individual saves being bigger then 15 megs
Unless you take drastic action, your save files will not decrease much from current size.
Deleting old bloated saves will not help - but it will free up disk space.
In Skyrim, bloated saves were typically due to memory leaks (not releasing string storage, etc.).
No idea what the mechanism is here, but probably similar. If you are using esp mods - suspect them.
You can keep running like this, but some array in your save will eventually overflow, and then your save will crash on loading.
You might be done with the game before that happens.
Sorry for the topic hijack but I'm guessing you have the same issue. Well it doesn't seem to be individual save files that are large. Just there are so many of them, ~94 save files
Ok, first the guy says his saves are on the 700 M, he doesn't mean that one save file is that big, he means that his save folder is that big. Then the second guy says one save file should be in roughly the 15M area, being scared that the 700M means one file. The the first guy says it indeed meant his whole save folder.
So, no save file bloat here. Just someone who saves very often to new save.
(If you do start having problems, yeah, deleting unneeded saves or, if wanting to play sure, just relocating them out of the game's save folder might help but as I read what's said, you shoudln't need to worry.)
For the record, my save file folder is over 1G already (gasp, maybe I should prune it), but for me too, no save is bigger than 12 M, and they too started on the 3-4 M range.
Thanx for sorting that out >.< Yea, I'm guessing that steam just backs up the entire folder every time which would lead to the same issue the OP is having. Just backup(move) a bunch of your older saves out of the folder and it will speed up the sync, at least it did for me
Man I did not read it that way...
If no individual save file is over about 20MB, you are fine.
Just delete old ones you are sure you will never want again.
If you are on a PC, make the occasional named save file in the debug console at major decision points, like "save Railroad".
When you delete your old saves, maybe spare the named ones.
Yea, sorry man. Anyway, now the only issue is that the steam cloud still wants to sync 400 odd MB of save files :/ no idea how to delete them.... Just gona switch it off and make manual backups
Well, part of the reason that Beth game saves get so large isn't just memory leaks.... it's that, until any cells get reset, the game remembers everything you've done. All those looted boxes, all those cans/clipboards/brooms you've picked up from office buildings, everything you've built in settlements... it adds up. Now, this game seems a bit more aggressive at resetting instances & world cells, compared to previous games. But the settlement thing certainly adds a good chunk of memory (and what all have you stored in those workshops, eh?)
So, yeah. Lots of data for it to keep track of. Mine are up to 9MB, I believe.
I would never use the cloud on a Beth game - the save folder just gets too damn big.