Perhaps fixing things that are gamebreaking should be your primary thing if you plain to win game of the year next time. Waiting for damn ''shadow distance'' patch
since i bought and installed this broken game. You say GTX 970 is recommended for Fallout 4? Okey i have that one so why the hell im getting huge dips in city areas?
Its obviously that everyone have a performance issue when having ''shadows distance'' more than medium, those saying they don't either lying or theyre just fine with 30-50
fps dips. Performace with ''Shadow distance'' at medium gives slighty better performace with just some dips here and there but the thing is that game looks aweful on medium
(well its not like Fallout 4 is pretty otherwise, thinking about those terrible textures). So please, instead of being greedy when youre earned a million on this game give us a
proper patch that actually fixes this broken game instead of useless patches that makes no difference. Thank you and sorry about my english, but you get a point!