How many other FPS game forums have you made this thread on?
How many other FPS game forums have you made this thread on?
If you (OP) were standing in front of us, in person, your point would have no doubt been obvious. Some of us (me, especially) love to give examples like this in real life all of the time. It is hard for us to express our own personal brand of sarcasm laced reductio-ad-absurdum arguments effectively in a forum post. It is a little bit deflating to have one of our most favorite forms of expression rendered almost completely inert in this text-only environment.
Still, I applaud your effort. I for one, took it for what it was!
Being a shooter irl myself, I get a little irritated by some of the stuff I see in video games, but I still love 'em anyway!
edit: also, as you are no doubt aware, many people on these forums are way to serious anyway. I say lighten up. I am doing this for fun and relaxation. Ah well.
Well I seldom hip-fire myself IRL. Damn ammo cost too much. But then I've never had a giant radroach trying to bite my toes off either.
As far as not being able to see the weapon. When I do hip-fire IRL I can see the end of my gun barrel. Maybe not quite as much as I do in the game ... but then I can actually see my feet IRL also when I look down. So ... FOV isn't quite realistic in many ways.
If we count all the myriad variations in body posture, hand placement, aiming techniques, etc., surely there are scores of "techniques" for firing small arms, no?
From a FPV, they do not look like they are shoulder firing at all. Feel as if they are holding the gun low like this:
I never really noticed what they do in a 3rd person perspective. Focusing too much on where I'm generally sending my shots.
What is it called when you're firing a piston while holding it up, but not aiming down the sides? Wrist firing?
Satire or not, it makes a feeble yet valid point. An interesting thought experiment. Definitely got my coffee into my brain this morning by opening up the thought channels.
Exactly! Ha!
Usually this means frantically trying to equip my shotgun. NO! NOT THE 10MM!!!!! psycho-jet!!
So what categorization scheme would you use for the three or four "aiming" modes in the game?
BTW, what are the modes as they are presently listed?
1. Hip fire, I know there is this, and it is when you are not clicking your right mouse button? (or is it when you are in 3rd person AND not clicking right-mouse")
2. Some of the mod descriptions reference "focus fire" and "aimed fire" but apart from what happens when you click the right-mouse button while in 1st person view mode, I'm not clear what they are distinguishing.
I have killed a moose and a bear in real life firing from the hip. Why would I do that? Because big guns kick and thus it doesn't hurt as much. Took a lot of practice to learn how to do that.
Just sayin'. Hip firing is a thing and can be done with accuracy with enough practice. That said, I haven't done it in a few years and probably couldn't do it now.
We're living in a world where people think the Onion is true, the world is flat, and the government is trying to kill us with chemtrails. People look for things to be angry about and I think "satire" was one of the first casualties.