Never alone (companions ), quests and the factions

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:12 pm

Hi, there!

So I got this achievement in Xbox after traveling with five different companions (on different occasions: unfortunately one cannot have permanently more than one at a time), and I wonder: there are areas and quests in the game easier with a certain companion. So how would it be to play each main area and quests with the best companion for the job?

Mind it that I do tend to be somewhat eclectic. I have jones the BoS and the Mnuteman. I don't know if it is possible to play quests for all main factions. The companions have their preferences, and I am pretty sure some would leave me if I were doing something they dislike repeatedly. Such as, neither Valentine or Sttrong would appreciate dealing it's the BoS. Strong dislikes pick pocketing and lock picking, Valentine And the reporter, on the other hand, like those things.Thoughts? I still wanna see Paladin Dance react to Cogsworth , to Strongand his will to learn about humanity , and to Valentine. And I picture Dance saying one of his biased statements about synths and Valentine (like Woody in Toy Story): "You Are A SyNthhhh!" Lol.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:46 pm

Depends. Companion affinity means that sometimes you have to take the affinity hit or choose the dialog option your companion will like. Does that count?

Piper disliked when I joined BoS. Cait disliked when I pointed out how heavy handed the BoS was bing showing up in a bloody airship blasting message over a lodspeaker. Though the both got over it. So I wouldn't say it was harder to get through those dialogs.

Oh, and I haven't figured out how to complete Human Error without stealing a particular item. Most companions over-react to that one IMO (especially Piper who you'd think would be all fora little document theft in the name of uncovering the truth).

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Shianne Donato
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:15 am

Danse does respond when you swap out him for either Curie, Valentine, Strong, and I believe Hancock as well. This is in regards to the biased statements that you mention. Yes you can, and should accept and complete quests for all factions but there will come a time when you must choose, of course. As to your initial question - I tend to use Preston early on to get his perk and I usually do this solely with the minutemen quests. After that I grab Piper and get her perk asap as the extra exp while exploring is a nice bonus.

Now depending on whether you are concentrating on either hacking or lockpicking and not the both then Valentine or Cait can complement your build. Now if you are playing a stealthy character then both Deacon and McCready provide must have perks. McCready's is actually broken and grants 95% head shots almost always. I bring along Strong whenever I want a laugh. Take Valentine when I am doing his detective quests. But other than that I just try to achieve their perk and move on. Curie tends to be my favorite companion atm though. Oh one last thing - take Danse along if you are in a location that might give you trouble. He can handle himself quite well.

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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:59 pm

That was weird, I'm pretty sure Piper would love doing that. Guess Beth just set her to hate all theft and didn't set obvious exemptions.
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