i found a jangles the monkey moon INSIDE one of the angled pipelines sticking out of the ground. but i also spent just as much time if not more swimming and exploring...including all the rivers and lakes..found a steamer trunk underwater with ammo in a lake...and a glitch in one area where u can walk on dry ground underwater as if ur not in water at all...but it wasnt worth posting a vid on... or is it? its only a small area it works....
Once you get far enough down in the water, and tilt the camera down, the water effect vanishes, making it easier to see.
There's not a lot down in the ocean
-A sunk super tanker
-A crashed plane
-A number of sunk boats
-A whole series of pipes that go nowhere for seemingly no reason.
-What looks like weird water pumps... but underwater.
-A small collection of spheres connected to the pipes that look like a very small biome complex, but theres no door on it or anything
I got the Perk on my 1st chr and did pretty much the same thing. Both the sea and some of the deeper lakes (but not all lakes...). And was equally disappointed.
I wanted an undersea Vault entrance, or a few water-caves, or at least more lootable wrecks just for the fun of it. There's pretty much nothing, really..at least not that I found.
I can envision DLC use for them, but eh, I think there should have been something interesting to begin with.
Yeah, almost certainly DLC.
That made my day
He lives in a Tato, for da record.
Are you talking about Thicket Excavations? I have. Not much down there....