So the guys over at Smosh Games made an honest game trailer for Fallout 4
Its pretty spot on, and gives me a good giggle.
How about you?
So the guys over at Smosh Games made an honest game trailer for Fallout 4
Its pretty spot on, and gives me a good giggle.
How about you?
I love Honest Trailers, they truly live up to their name. This one was really good, I lol'd a few times.
Thanks for sharing, that was funny, and brightened up my sick day.
Would love to watch It's always sunny in the apocalypse.
Not exactly a trailer, but I thought this was really funny.
The Shepard bit had me cracking up, good trailer.
Pure genius.
.......and sorta nailed everything.
good I'm not the only one that thought Piper looks like Jessica Jones
I prefer the movie Honest Trailers over the gaming ones most of the time, but this FO4 one is pretty chuckalicious.
Pretty lol-tastic.
I actually spit out my cigarette to lol when Preston fell in the river.
OMG OMG OMG i laughing sooooo hard hahahha man
LMAO at the "this game ... will make you recycle more than you ever will in real life"
Very funny, thanks for the link. Pretty much hit every point except building walls that Raiders will spawn behind no matter what you do.
creativity is one of their perks I see...
Honest Trailers always nails it. This one was no different. I lol'd at several different points. When he called Hancock 'beef jerky' I freakin lost
always good for a laugh but not their best one
I dunno... Hancock reminds me of a clean shaven Davy Jones.
Thanks for the link, AwesomePossum. I did laugh.
I believe I busted my lung when Preston was consumed by water.