I don't think it's contains any substantial spoilers and it's a side quest, but tread carefully if you want to know nothing beyond the beginning of the game...
I ran into this tonight.
Quest: Special Delivery
Platform: PS4 (updated today 12/8)
Playing on "easy" (don't judge - LOL)
This is a quest from Cabot House. It's called "Special Delivery". You are assigned to go get "the package" that got lost somewhere outside the Asylum.
I fast traveled to Recon Bunker Theta. From there I travel on foot through Lynn Woods. Killed all enemies except the Alpha Deathclaw (because it kept running away). I did turn on the siren and then turned it off since I didn't see what its purpose was (maybe for a future mission?)
I then moved on foot to Parson's Asylum. Talked to Maria. She told me about Parson's Creamery. I went there on foot and cleared all enemies. Got "the package" and then fast traveled back to Cabot House.
This is where the problem comes in.
(When I first got there an enemy/Raider somehow followed me indoors and I killed them (and the other characters were shooting at him too). I don't know if this is what glitched it?)
The glitch:
I have to check in with Edward and I can't. He's there to check in with, with the marker over his head, but I can't talk to him. When I hit X to talk, nothing happens. Meanwhile, the Cabots are arguing about the sister being missing and if I try to interact with either of them, it just says they are busy. I cannot complete the quest, or move on with it in any way at all.
I've tried going and coming back.
I've tried checking in with the intercom first.
I tried sitting and waiting a few hours.
I tried going back to the creamery to double check all enemies are dead (it does say "CLEARED" but I went anyway). They are dead.
I tried going back to the Asylum but Maria won't talk with me either.
See video: (again, beware spoilers)
I know I can try to do other quests and maybe return in a few days game-time, but I'm afraid if it stays glitches and I get much further it could be a big problem. I'm pretty sure I can't get into the Asylum ever if I don't finish this quest (anyone know if that's true?)
Anyone have any ideas?
I would go to an earlier save, but I use Quicksave a lot and apparently my last real hard save is several days ago at 10 levels earlier! Argh! My quick saves don't go back far enough...