Yeah I think this would be great, I suggested throwing China into the mix in another DLC thread as I'm curious to see how they fared after the Great War. Perhaps we can see new factions as well.
We are more likely to head to Ronto than China. Going to China sounds like something a West Coast Fallout will do.
DLC idea... the Walking De-Ghouls
Ghouls no longer run... they just walk...and one quest involves you looking for another lost son... Barl.
I would love to see China DLC.
Another thought occurs to me: several characters in Fallout 4 have foreign accents (Cait is one major example). Does that imply transcontinental travel in the present?
This idea has been rehashed so many times in so many threads...
Spam. Straight from the can. The "foreign DLC" wait nah, the "china DLC" idea has had numerous threads already. We get it. Some people want it.
We also get that bethesda will probably never change up the beautiful all American thing it's got going, and I for one would like to keep the all american going as well. Forget China.
I'd certainly like to meet a Chinese ghoul, spy or soldier from the great war since it would be nice to get his perspective of Sino-American war, the Great War and the would also be a good excuse to reintroduce the Chinese Assault Rifle, Mauser pistol, Stealth suit etc.
A game or DLC set in China is another thing entirely, perhaps Bethesda could rehash another idea from the originals and have a community of ethnic Chinese descended from a wrecked submarine.
Lol, well put. I agree, especially about the main release, but for DLC I'm fine with flipping the script a bit. I would be interested to see what the other side of the world/war ended up like.
I am down for it, so long as I can meet interesting people, and kill them. Why? Because my player is an ex-soldier who can dislikes commies. And I think seeing the other side of the coin would be fun.
Failing that, sailing with the uss constitution and hunting down Canadian pirates would be fun.