But, 10mm, .38, .45, 5mm, if I'm selling and run out of weapons, armor, and I still owe. I use excess ammo, until I'm even or if I have a lot, buy out all his caps.
This way I rarely use my own caps, which goes to building stores in my settlements.
Off the top of my head and rounded off...
.38 - 0 rounds. I sell it as it's useless.
.308 - ~500 rounds. I give it out to my settlers so keep a few rounds on me.
.44 - 1900 rounds
.45 - 5800 rounds
.50 - 750 rounds. My main weapon is a .50 Sniper Rifle so I get through a lot of it.
2mm EC - 800 cells
5mm - 4000 rounds. More vendor fodder.
5.56mm - 5000 rounds
10mm - 4500 rounds
FC - 3500 cells
Flamer Fuel - 0 again, useless vendor fodder.
Mini Nuke - 40 'special eggs'
Shotgun Shells - 1200 shells
kind of ammo, Fusion Cores - 110
So, around 26,000.
Main - .50cal Sniper (suppressed)
Secondary - 10mm Mighty pistol (suppressed). Kellog's Pistol as back-up
CQC - Combat Shotgun
Ammo saver - Shocking Chinese Officer's Sword
For tougher enemies and when the fit hits the shan, I have an explosive Assault Rifle
Selling .38 occasionally.
Good move.
Plentiful and weight free.
Yeah, I'd like to know what you can use those with. Anyone tried it with the junk jet? Altough, the cannon balls don't fall in the junk category. They are clearly listed as ammo.
Playstyle Rifleman (single shot only)
- .308 (400r)
- .50 (1500r)
- 2mm EC (~300)
- Shotgun Shells(~2000)
- Fusion Cells (~2500)
The rest is stored at home base.
.38, .44, .45, 10mm, 5mm, 5.56mm, Plasma, Gamma & Missiles get sold.
After doing a certain quest, you will be rewarded with a (ridiculous) weapon that uses cannonballs.
I currently use .308. .45 and 10mm weapons since I figure carrying around three weapons (sniper, automatic and stealth pistol) is not unreasonable, I'm largely giving away ammo to settlers at this point and equipping companions so they can burn through my supply of unwanted ammo types, it makes me miss the ability to mod ammo from NV.
Thanks. Just had to Google it. Can't believe I've never heard of that quest before. Got to do this...
Yeah, I just pick all the ammo up.
Thought this was going to be asking which cailbers of guns we carry, which is:
.50 sniper rifle
.45 combat rifle
10mm pistol
Plasma shotgun pistol
Combat Shotgun
(I spent most of the game so far with the .50, .45, 9mm, a laser pistol, and a .38 autopistol. But decided to mix things up a bit last night.)
I find just scavenging does not produce enough 10mm ammo to justify using a 10mm automatic pistol. I have a two shot 10mm and it would be fantastic auto but i've never had more than 500 rounds. I have attained the perks on finding more ammo and now i have 1500 50. cal rounds and can't use my hunting rifle enough to dispose of them. I have a rapid prefix auto 38 pipe rifle that is going through the 5000 .38's i have not used at rapid pace. Also a two shot auto laser rifle that's burned though thousands of laser cells i didn't use. My explosive sawn-off shotgun never has more than 200 rounds available and like the 10mm they seem hide to find. I had to move from the combat shotgun to the sawnoff to try and conserve ammo more. 8000 5mm rounds as i've never used the minigun for more than 5 mins, though i have a plasma infused one that is very effective. And only 16 mini nukes, seem to have found most of the available drops in the world.
Combat Shotgun. Mod it for damage, rate of fire, narrow spread, hip-fire accuracy and recoil control, and you've got a quick-firing semi-auto ball of death that turns most anything into red paste with a few volleys.
The main reason I keep all my ammo on my person is that I find it useful as currency. Unlike purified water (which my settlements are busily churning out) it's weightless. So all the .38, 5.56, .44 and fusion cells I'll never use are like having an extra 20k caps on me. It's helpful for cleaning out, say, every merchant in Diamond City.
Agreed, wholeheartedly. Close range headshots with a fully modded combat shotgun will solve an awful lot of life's problems.
For those of you who have ammo shortages there is an answer (apologies to those of you who've heard this before).
1) have several settlements engaged in large-scale water purification. For me it's Sanctuary, The Castle and Nordhagen Beach.
2) Build two weapon dealers in each of those places.
3) Go to each settlement in turn. Empty the purified water from the workbench, use it to buy out all the ammo from the gun dealers.
4) Do this after every strech of questing. I think I hit my guys about every 3rd or 4th day in game.
Since I started doing this I've never dropped below 1500 rounds on anything, even the formerly scarce stuff like .50 cal.
Incidentally if you also do this with general stores, buying out all their junk, you can keep your workbenches fully stocked without worrying about looting every last coffee cup from every location you go to.
Find & destroy more of those MK- turrets. 1 or 2 of them respawn at one of the compounds, I forget the name, but it has a crashed Vertibird - the training ground fort or something. Tip of my tongue, but there's no map with names yet, so whatever.
im carrying
deliverer (10mm)
overseer's guardian (308)
sniper (50cal)
combat shotgun (shells)
so 4 diff calibers
if the guns were better looking, wernt so unsanely heavy and actually had variety id carry more
in NV my typical loadout was
service rifle
survivalists rifle
assault carbine
light n shining darkness
45 auto pistol (for silencer)
hunting rifle
anti material rifle
hunting shotgun
riot shotgun
25mm grenade apw (sometimes grenade launcher instead)
plus id also carry a katana
and that was me trying my hardest to keep weight down!! id love to carry alot more too!!!! just loved the looks/feel and sounds of the NV weapons
im carrying an absolute metric [censored]tonne of ammo of all types, literally, no scrounger perks theres just so much ammo everywhere
Found a Legendary Assault Rifle 5.56 cal with 50 dmg radiation. Modified it with a suppressor and that's all I use now for questing. 5.3x damage bonus from perks with 109 base DMG with 50 RAD DMG. Fire rate 59, range 173, accuracy 113, 27.6lbs (so way heavy). Advanced receiver, vented barrel, recoil compensating stock, quick eject drum mag (80 bullets). long recon scope, suppressor. This weapon is bad ass and dropped from a legendary glowing ghoul. I'm a VATS build so this is the only weapon I need now. Level 54 PS4 Survival difficulty.
Some 10mil, some .44, some .45. Not overly much of anything though.