Don't forget to keep subtitles on when you finish the main game. Rex is deep. Almost ED-E deep
Don't forget to keep subtitles on when you finish the main game. Rex is deep. Almost ED-E deep
Makes sense. A 200+ year old cyborg dog "suffering from neural degeneration as a result of his old brain" would tend to have some deep insights!
Seriously, that right there has convinced me. I need to go back and replay FONV all the way through. I think we got off on the wrong foot.
Q: What is Dogmeat?
A: An imbecile.
He's even dumber than a real dog. They should have modelled a Jack Russel Terrier or something, German Shepherds are WAY smarter than Dogmeat is.
I have found plenty of cat meat. But we all know the West is far less barbaric. Heve you met Rex? He's awesome!
he's legacy?`where's my fav skyrim character been before skyrim?
Wasn't he? Who can say how many skins the Dogmeat has worn over the years? Though not always in the same form or under the same name all the Fallout protagonists feel the indirect paw of the Dogmeat, whether they know it or not.
the name suggests cloning.
somewhere in the wasteland, they got a cloning facility, storing one big chunk of dog meat.
whenever prophecies (or psychic assaultrons) now announce the arrival of a new chosen one of whatever kind, they go ahead clone a new dog from it for her/him. hey, it's a wasteland tradition! rumour has it that there's even a secret cult of Chosen One's Dog Reproduction Facility Guardians
boy, wow :-O
i totally can't remember having met him in neither morrowind nor oblivion. odd...
There was no Dogmeat in New Vegas, instead we had Rex:
Considering Rex's ancient longevity and storied past, would it not be possible for the "Each Dogmeat is a descendant of Dogmeat" to extend to their line being sired by a 200 year-old stud?
See before they set up the Gary vault, they wanted to be sure the cloning technology worked. I mean we always experiment on animals first, right? Somewhere there's a vault that keep churning out dogmeats.
More seriously, I remember someone at Beth said in an interview that F3 Dogmeant was supposed to the descendant of the one in F 1 or 2.
I don't think anyone cared enough to comment on the subject in F4
This is legit, Rex could definitely have been the forefather of the dogmeat tribe, especially considering that he traveled enough from to make it from Denver to Vegas, and...
traveled with the Legion for some time. If I were Caesar I'd be breeding the hell out of that pre-war, immortal, genetic, gold mine.
Who knows how far his puppies could have made it? I mean, what if all the dogs in the fallout world are really just bastard children of Rex and are all technically related to dogmeat if you trace it far enough down the line? Probably not....but you know.