I tried Fallout 3 and NV shortly but was not very interested. I tried No. 4 with no great expectations and I'm surprised that the game caught me so much. Of course the game has flaws, f.e. restricted player char background story, but I can live with it. For me it's the game of the year.
But what really bothers me more and more is the construction of the game around fast travel and the impact fast travel has on my immersion. It's a bad impact. After an interesting rather short exploring phase you get fast travel points directly beneath anything. No need to wander the land, carry weight is nearly without meaning, radstorms are irrelevant, traveling through a dangerous surrounding does no longer take place. The map feels so small. For me it kills the immersion.
On the other hand I cannot think about disabling fast travel now. I played Skyrim without fast travel but there you have carriages between mayor centres and a horse to help. What should you do in Fallout 4 when settlers are regularly annoyed of mean supermutants or similar far far away on the other side of the map? Jog to the place for ten minutes, kill the four poor bad guys and jog back ten minutes? Hardly enjoyable.
I would like to have some fixed fast travel points spread over the map in logical locations, f.e. in Diamond City, where you have to pay for using and buildable fast travel points in settlements with a certain development, while disabling general fast travel. I hope that will be possible later with mods. What do you think about fast travel?