I had once started a normal 4 seslection conversation with a Settelers along with an option to ask what is needed in the settelment... but now... all I can do is trade.. I like fast trade, but when they came up to me and asking me for help, and all I can answer is "Hey, let's trade Items!" it's kinda lame... is there a way to activate the chat menu? Is this a bug? or am I missing a command?
Speaking of need... I know that when ever you aim at a setteler in built mode, they will make their "job" glow, but most of the time, their work is out of my sight... and I have too many people that don't have job... can we have a indicator under their names to show what job they were assigned? like a sub name... such as " guard" or "Corn" or "craping" or "free loader" or "Unwilling to work" (which I should just kick this one off, like that negative lady in Sanc-hill... she pisses me off)
THANKS FOR Numpad key config open... I will config my key in weekend!~ Arrow keys play here I come!~ Oh! can I use Enter key for "Use" now?