Game Breaker (Please Help!)

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:42 am

Hello, and I hope that a game developer or someone from Bethesda reads this and can actually help me out. I have been having a serious problem regarding game saves becoming corrupt or missing, and have had to stop playing after 30+ hours spent in-game. I had completed a number of quests and right about the time I started to delve into the Nick Questline, I started having save corrupt issues. Once I cleared Fort Hagen, I saved the game and continued playing for another hour or so before I died and respawned to the game I saved just prior to discovering the Fort. Having played prior fallouts, my natural reaction is to save multiple time at various points, so it's like force of habit at this point. I lost about 3 hours of play on the first save, and then started to notice that every time i tried to create a new save, it would actually NOT save, and also would delete the most recent successful save. Loading up prior saves means that anything saved after that time would be erased as well. At this time, I've lost about 6 or 7 hours from this issue. Also, I always, always exited to the main menu after I was finished playing so that I could ensure that the files would not be corrupted. At the moment, I've given up trying. I have about ten saves leading up to about 20+ hours in, and I'm leaving it that way. If I load another one of those saves up, it will be deleted. Really upset about this, and have tried every avenue of contacting Bethesda Support for some sort of solution, but I just get an automated response and no help whatsoever. I had heard that some of the Valentine quests would be buggy, but I had not realized it was to this extent, and honestly I have yet to come across anyone who's experienced a similar issue. My only hope is to post in this forum and hope that a dev see's it and can help me out. Until it's fixed for sure there's no way I'm putting anymore time into this, and I've been a fan of the series for a LONG time.

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Cagla Cali
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