My issue is that it seems to be applied in a haphazard and random manner across the armour types.
I would have liked to mod out the BOS uniform with weave but can't and yet old military fatigues can be.
Fallout 4 isn't really "finished" and I doubt these inconsistencies will be fixed. There are a few mods that allow you to put ballistic weave on more things.
Would be cool ya, I'd like it on the Minute General Uniform
interesting too is that the railroad paint job is also specific to the t-51 and possibly t-45. Maybe its just the x-01 that can't get it which can't get some others too. The ballistic weave should apply to all outfits and no under clothes, or just to everything. i have to wear dirty military fatigues or a tattered baseball uniform? Makes no sense.
Lets be real there is only one paint job we all want for the X-01.
and that is the Enclave.
Yet I'd be happy with minuteman for X-01...make the brotherhood turn an eye wondering why the dudes in that 5 point ****hole a crossed the bay got some serious tech.
yea each faction should have a way to unlock it. and ditto on the randomness of what can and cant be upgraded. makes zero sense. you would think that BOS uniforms would have it, I mean come on!
I'm hoping an update or something will make the BW more usable. Ended up being super bummed that my bad ass General of the Minutemen was stuck with such a low armor rating. Meanwhile the normal Minutemen armor gets the MK5 BW.
I do like having an armored Tux though.
BOS officer uniform with shadowed combat armor looks so good. In fact so good I had to get a mod that allowed me to put ballistic weave on the uniform. The only reason why I could see that it isn't available in vanilla is that the Railroad and the BOS are at odds although that is a silly excuse.