minigun needs to be balanced

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:54 am

I agree with you. I figured that it was nerfed because of balancing issues. But yeah, it doesn't make sense that it's so weak and yet the ammo is so rare.

You really seem to know your stuff. Why does the minigun seem so powerful in the hands of super mutants?

I'm looking forward to trying your mod in combination with upcoming texture mods.

(P.S. I don't think it's because they don't care. I think this is a HUGE project. I'm a software dev and I can't imagine how they manage projects on this scale. It's much easier for Obsidian to come in and focus on basically modding the game or for us to mod it. I'm a software dev and one thing users don't understand is QA testing. Everything has to be tested. That constraint means that often you don't have time to change something simple because you don't have time to retest the entire game.)

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:12 pm

Worst response I've ever seen, that little emoji at the end just screams "I have no friends"

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:17 am

That has been a response here to "something is op" since... forever :shrug:

I don't even try to find or demand balance anymore, i just use mods.
...So i really should stop buying these games at least until the mod tools are out.
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Ria dell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:30 am

Way to get personal. You don't even know him/her. In truth your response is much worse.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:30 pm

For sake of Argument,

5/5 Heavy Weapons Skill

Mini-Gun now does 16 Damage at base.

Armor System works like this, 10 Damage vs 10 DR, means 50% damage soaked.

Raiders typically have 20 DR, your 5/5 Mini-Gun now does 8 damage per 5mm.

Gunners have 30 DR, your Mini-Gun does about 4 Dam per 5mm.

If your 0/5

Vs Raider its 2 Dam

Vs Gunner its 1 Dam

So basically a High Strength Character would do far more damage by punching them in the face.

I know, I know its balanced cause we cant have Semi-Automatic Riffles fall off in usefulness or Because Legendaries...

Too bad for those players invested in Heavy Weapons Amiright?


5/5 Riffleman

100% more damage plus 30% reduction in armor effectiveness

Raider with 20 DR now has only 14 DR....

-Thing is our weapon does 140 Damage per bullet....

-So that Raider is only going to soak like like 14 points.

-126 Damage done per bullet

For a Raider with 300 HP,

-gotta hit him like 3 times with the Riffle

-With mini-gun I gotta hit him with 100 5mm rounds or about 4 seconds of continuous fire.

But it's ok cause Legendary random weapon drops gonna equalize that.

My bad I didn't do the numbers for 5/5 of Mini-Gun awesomeness...

Gotta hit him with 40ish 5mm rounds if each round does 8 Damage vs a 300 HP target with 20 DR....

So it will take londer than 1 second for sure about 2-3 seconds assuming all the bullets connect.

Where-as a Combat Riffle can easily squeeze off more than 3 rounds in a second.

So whats the saving grace, it all comes down to this if you seriously want to use a Mini-Gun as your main weapon in the mid-late game you have to get the right Legendary Descriptor...

You cannot sustain enough ammo for the Mini-Gun in the early game and well without Legend, its going to be very hard to have enough rounds for late game.

But a basic Combat Riffle well you don't have to worry about that its good to go throughout the entire game.

-All purpose, suits every role god I love my riffle!

-No Legendary Descriptor needed this thing kicks butt 24/7

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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:02 pm

Dammit, now i have to scrap my minigun :swear:

I assume Heavy Gunner perk does still affect rocket launcher and fat man? Please? :)
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:56 pm

Well yes Heavy Weapon and actually the perk in Perception effect explosive Heavy Weapons.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:46 am

But 10mm is better than any other gun by a large margin.

10mm ammo is easily avaible at all points of the game.

10mm pistol mods are really common, so you don't even need gun nut to get most out of the pistol.

It's in the agility tree which propably the second best special in the game and it basically has super synergy with the best special, luck.

If you go max agi and luck this is the result:

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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:13 am

Ya, didn't realize you were the OP as well. Doh! >.<

Generally speaking, I agree that miniguns as a whole need quite a bit of love and some legendary effects are stupid crazy powerful. Now that said, I'll take an explosive assault rifle or even submachine gun any day over an explosive minigun. I would argue their weight, no movement penalty, plentiful ammo, damage, and no wind up time make them superior to the explosive minigun since using them is easier and more frequent. Otherwise, I think we're on the same page ;)

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Kelly John
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:58 am

This, absolutely this

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Markie Mark
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:38 am

Yep, your post should be where we point all the folks that think the minigun is 'fine'. I cut down all the math to avoid cluttering the thread, but it meshes very well with my own experiences. For example, I saved up every 5mm round I found for 40 levels (with scrounger perked out) and I blew through every last one of them in one dungeon. And thats with wearing power armor, so I could stand right in an enemies face and unload. (And that was with the legendary Ash minigun)

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:56 pm

Very, very limited experience with any of the heavy weapons. My character is Rifleman 4 and anything else that perks weapon use = 0.

Only time I used a minigun: I was getting to the top of a skyscraqer (in a quest I shall leave unnamed) and trying to finish the quest without heading home to reequip. I was low on ammo in my standard weapons but had picked up several dropped enemy weapons including a mini-gun. I had a thousand or so rounds I just said WTH! and went for it.

The main thing I observed: There is virtually no dispersion of the bullets and it seemed easy for the target (a SuperMutant) to shift his position slightly and take less damage than if I had it right on his chest or head. Sustained fire on the head seemed to equal more or less instant death.

The gun is quite difficult to control (sluggish I think being the word) so I'm curious: are observations of it being weak really valid observations of "the value of the damage variable is too low?"

A. Lack of dispersal of rounds and/or

B. moving target and thus, lack of properly directed fire

might be accounting for what some would experience as "weak weapon?"

In real life of course, such electrically driven rotating barrel weapons with exceptionally high rates of fire are only used in vehicle mounted or tripod mounted situations and would be virtually unuseable by a real person held in the hands in the way they are depicted in game. Just the amount of ammo it would expend in a matter of seconds would be literally impossible for a normal person to carry on their person.

I believe the ranges that such weapons are useful (in real life) at are at the far edge of the sighting distance of the game engine, and their purpose(s) in real life are quite distinct from the way small arms tend to be used in Fallout, i.e., to target specific individuals and cap them.

It is my understanding that in real life, miniguns are for disabling aircraft or vehicles else for targeting areas (a building, a compound, a tree line, a gully) at relatively long distance and consequently resulting in suppression fire or 'incidental' wounding of enemies (either from the bullets themselves or from the plentitude of shrapnel, rocks, broken glass, etc. that the hail of bullets is likely to churn up in the area that is targetted) and would almost never be used to target an individual.

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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:12 pm

Super Mutants get perks just like you do. Lowbie SM get 25% inc damage, all the way up to 100% for the highest few. So, on normal a Minigun does 8 X1.25 10 for the average SM. A tough boss one might do 8 X 2 16. Adjust for harder difficulties, that high level SM could be doing anywhere from 20-32 damage per bullet on very hard/survival.

I realize its hard work, and I'm sure they put a lot of effort in. Sadly, the effort went into voice acting, a flashy intro to the game to attack new players, and building a world. Very little effort went into balancing weapons, and I maintain that at very least, the guy in charge of reviewing the .esm file did a very shoddy job. I'm an unpaid, casual mod maker and I found a lot of issues.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:58 am

Look, just cause you don't like how the legendary effects are on the weapons doesn't mean they should be fixed. There are allot of people who do not mind and or they like how powerful they are.

You have options, when you come across one of the op weapons just sell it or whatever and wait till you find something that is more suitable to your liking and use it.

I like the explosive minigun and plus I have mods that make Legendary creatuers allot more common and I have more spawns. So being at a level 180 or whatever, being surrounded by them the explosive minigun can be your friend.

There are other options for you to look into but complaining about how op stuff is isn't gonna change anything.

Just go back to your game and enjoy it like it was meant to be.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:32 am

At low level it's a great short ranged weapon compared to the 10 mm pistol. For what it weighs and the amount of ammo it fires - and the S-5 to use its perks - the damn thing needs to be a lot more effective at mid to high level.

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Del Arte
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:04 pm

I think I might build my next character on the PC to only use the starting Power Armor and the Mini Gun. Likely 10 Strength and 10 Endurance.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:50 am

An obvious way to balance it would be an mod to change the caliber it use. The three barrel version looks like should use another caliber like .45, as its now the three barrel one reduces the dps.

With an heavier caliber you would increase damage a lot, downside would be using more expensive bullets, lower fire rate and higher weight.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:16 pm

But didn't Fallout 3 have the same problem? And the missile launcher has the same issue. I just thought it was intentional so people couldn't just use the mini gun or missile launcher to get passed tough bosses.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:22 pm

I'm sorry, but my combat knife is underpowered, please give me a laser-headed shark deploying thermo-nuclear sprayer mod for it....

...or maybe I'll just go choose something that does more damage, seeing it's a single person game and I'm not being disadvantaged by the wealth of choice available.

This thread is bringing back memories of 'Destruction magic is broken...please fix'.

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Kat Ives
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:18 pm

All the "OP" weapons are limited by ammo and wont be as effective later in the game. If you still find it too easy then perhaps you need to raise the difficulty of your game?

If all else fails and you still feel its too OP then stop using it - Solved?

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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:14 am

i think the minigun is actually a good weapon except if you want it to be a good wweapon late in the game it is rather perk intensive meaning you need a lot of perks to make it work

using a minigun does not mean your character can just stand there and instantly kill everything in sight

i like it but early in the game you will be struggling with a minigun

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:29 am

I did not need math to decide that the minigun is not a very effective weapon, at least on Survival (did not try other modes). The best aspect of the gun is the ammo because you can sell each 5mm round for one cap. What I don't understand is the amount of end-of-the-world talk about it. Maybe it's because of the consoles? Isn't it possible to use mods on it? I'm on PC, upped the damage of the minigun, don't use legendary weapons except for the Fatman, so I'm sad to say that I'm fine with it.

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