Could be interesting to conduct raids on other factions where the goals are to loot a hidden Chem supply/armory etc
Clearly there would also be morally questionable quests.
While I agree that it is perfectly reasonable to be attacked on sight in most circumstances and that obviously they are a-holes that want to shoot and steal everything and everyone, I did enjoy the minor touches that they put on them in FO:NV. You had different raider factions that would fight each other and you could come into situations that would allow you to be friendly with some of them (even if it was behind certain load screens). Additionally in FO3 you could work for the slavers. It would be nice to have some of that type of thing in there just to add a little more variety to the game.
You're right, it isn't. Maybe they should have made some notes though.
I think it detracts from the person you are supposed to be.......someone from America , just before the fall, who is on a quest to avenge the murder of their spouse and abduction of their kiddo......
To join the raiders would be odd......
If there was no abduction/murder I could see joining the raiders as an option.....but in this game you are the good guy or at least not the bad guy.
Also if the loot scattered around their bases are any indication most raiders seem to have pretty serious substance abuse problems. Being hopped up on Jet, Psycho and Buffout probably isn't encouraging a lot of rational thought
hmm. The Dark Brotherhood is an assasination guild, what someone would call a necessary evil. Raiders are people that are hyped on drugs exploiting the people they consider weak in the new world. I don't see the connection at all.
Simply say, they are both not a "Hero" Faction. That is the Connection and thats what we talk abt. Should we have the Option to join an Evil Faction? Why is it in Skyrim possible and in Fallout not? And yes, the Dark Brotherhood is Evil. Arent both RPG Games? Why i cant play that Role? The Roles we can choose are all the same, even the Endings are the same.
The Dark Brotherhood is a literal force of nature controlled by the ACTUAL aspect of Chaos itself. They are not evil, they simply are.
Its nothing like raiders at all.
I do think the curent desogn represents a missed oportunity.
The existing mechnics where settlments are essntually mini-factions that you can wipe out or befriend by completing a quest could have been extended to cover the raiders as well.
There's could be one or more raider bases that you could gain as settlements by completing a quest for them, and a couple more agressive takes on the "wipe out raiders" and 'kidnapping" radiant quests ("raid settlement" and "kidnap someone" perhaps.)
Hypothetically they could have done similar for super mutants, and the gunners as well.
However, ultimately, development resources are finite.
And it's not all that hard to RP yourself as a raider lord using the existing mechanics IMO. Just imagine that the stuff you get from your settlements is tribute and the quests are more about wiping out rival raider gangs and making an example of armed settlements that try to stop you from looting what you want from them.