the baseball guy in diamond city sells wood shipments and theres another merchant who does as well i just dont remember who it is. maybe connie abernathy?
You can buy a shipment of wood in Diamond City, from the guy who sells the baseball bats. Also, just scrap everything in a new settlement and then either transport it to your other one or build a supply line to it.
Also Gray Garden; talk to Mr. Green. He sells wood shipments.
once you get a shipment u might be able to resource glitch it and never worry again.
yea youtube it. definetly comes in handy and its not patched.
You can also get Wood by scrapping certain weapons.
Local leader and set up supply lines. You're obviously not going to build skyscraqers at every settlement location. Some locations have tons of wood just sitting there waiting to be harvested.
I never scrap everything in a settlement unless I'm sure I want it out of the way. Sometimes I leave some trees or even stumps where they are, for the atmosphere and sometimes as a natural cover for when there's a gunfight. I've noticed many people saying wood being a scarce resource but there are many common items, such as pencils, cutting boards, and some lesser known junk that I can't recall, that are excellent sources of wood.
Yeah, you can buy "shipment of wood - 100" from the "baseball guy" in Diamond City. However, it is kinda of expensive.
Connie Abernathy @ Abernathy Farm sells "shipment of wood - 50" for a decent price especially after you complete their quest and they join up to support the Minutemen. It's a decent size settlement for you to upgrade. Sells shipments of cement as well if you want to create concrete walls / foundations.
Mr. Greene in Graygarden will sell you "shipment of wood - 50" as well. If you complete the quest Graygarden will align themselves with you and you get better prices (like Abernathy Farm). Graygarden produces a lot of food and is populated by 6 robots like Mr. Handy. Sells shipments of cement as well if you want to create concrete walls / foundations.
Prices depends on your charisma and anything you wear that boosts charisma. Buying the "100 wood" from Diamond City currently costs my character 320 caps. Buying "50 wood" from Abernathy / Graygarden costs 123 caps.
Also brooms and mops. I made like a janitor and started looking out for those things, got much wood now.