Hey guys! sooo... i have a problem, I "accidentally" took a item from the market without paying for it. After seconds, the whole city wanted me dead. And i mean everyone. The guards, the guys at the stores, the "hobos" and such. So as any person i started to run!!! I ran out of diamond city, through the gates. But when i were out, everybody was still after me. So i continued my journey by running. But they WHERE STILL AFTER ME!!..
so i stopped and killed the all...
But now, a few game days later. And a few real days later, when i returned to diamond city... everyone was gone.. or at least everyone i killed before. So 1 out of 5 stores was open. The other ones were unmanned.. and is still unmanned! So to the point.. Will they never come back?????
because i could really use these markets to buy and sell stuff.
//sad gamer who have killed all his friends
ps: i can not restore the saves, because i have played like 12h after that little incident :3