i have the water purifiers going now im wondering where do i pick up the purified water at
i have the water purifiers going now im wondering where do i pick up the purified water at
I'd like to know this as well. No idea myself, sorry...
Yes it will accumulate in your workbench. But you should empty it out frequently, there's some kind of limit on how much will accumulate in the workbench at one time.
Also try to make sure all your settlements at least have 1 water per settler. This will cut down on provisioners taking it out to supply other settlements.
Yes it will be stored in the workbench, as will any scrap the settlers find or extra food they produce.
It didn't work for me for half the game. It started to work around the time i broke down and got local leader. or You may have to be a certain level. I also left sanctuary. I dont think thats it because I still go there regularly to collect the water. make sure you have extra settlers, some idle and some on workbenches might help. I think its tied to local leader though nothing is official.
Its under a aid heading when you transfer to/from the workbench.
Woops two posts got in while I was typing...
Thanks peoples- will check the workbench next session.
Caps from stores works like that, too, btw, for anyone who doesn't know.
Far as i can tell with water and food it is whatever your settlement produces in a single day.
With bottlecaps it seems to be different,those continue to accumulate for me.