Fix the Settlements please!

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:26 am

Or maybe it's the rest of us, that are supposed to post it as bugs.

As of right now I have no idea, what is working as intended and what is not. :)

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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:16 am

A few suggestions to eliminate the OPs complaints (I get Bethesda could do something to make these less likely, but so can players):

  • Put your Fast Travel spot near manned guard posts (so you have some support when spawning in) or a concealed local and make sure you are sneaking before traveling.
  • Equip your Settlers with decent weapons and ammo (do NOT give them AoE weapons). Good armor (Ballistic Weave Leathers / Clothes, etc.) will also help.
  • If you note the location where internal attackers spawn, put down a nearby Guard Post and man it or put down some Turrets to cover those locals....I do not think these spawn points change. At least the attackers will have a distraction while you spawn in.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:00 pm

just got the game two weeks ago and i am loving this game (thx bethesda for the sleepness nights)

i read to make good defence so in sanctuary i made about 6 turrets, 4 or so guard towers and a junk fence to keep raiders out.

only noticed for the first time yesterday 3 raiders lying dead and 1 settler (i forgot to give them better weapons, since I thought they have already a pistol on their own). Nice getting raiders stuff without having to kill them myself. Do these dead raiders stay there till you collect the loot or do they dissappear over time (like when you don't return in time to collect ?)

however can't remember getting a warning of the attack

also does anyone know : do i have to provide settlers with enough bullets ?

am now looking to make a second settlement at starlight and get local leader perk 2 to make supply lines

I have only one problem with the settlements and that is that the prefab structures do not Always fit to the uneven soil. So I had to manage it a bit and now looks sometimes a bit funny having a structure partly floating like half a meter above ground. (make me worry if baddies can crawl underneath them)

also getting new settlers is so slow : at sanctuary i have 23 beds, happyness +75, food and water around 12 and defence around 70 but still only have about 8-9 settlers. Can't I get a more populated one ? (i have built one radio tower to attract new settlers but nobody seems to be coming). Would be nice also to 'convince' settlers you encounter to send them to your settlement.....

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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:30 am

No, they don't. This is how misinformation spreads.

You give them 10 plasma ammo and a plasma rifle and you're good for it. I like to give them one clip's worth just to be on the safe side.

The only exceptions are the missile launcher, and the fatman. And grenades. Those are tagged with "NPCs use ammo". ALL Npcs use ammo for those weapons, not just settlers (I mean really, can you imagine a raider spamming you with fatman nukes CONSTANTLY?!)

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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:12 am

No, grenades are infinite for settlers, at least in my game. I give settlers one grenade and they can always throw it, even if they're not on the settlement at the time and have wandered off with me.

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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:52 am

Go in to your Miscellaneous section when in your workshop and one of the options is for a FT pad. It kind of looks like a welcome mat. You can put it anywhere within your build area.

Mine happens to be up on the balcony of my private areas.

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Lady Shocka
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:17 am

- put u're fast travel beacon on a house or a sniper nest ( if u don't have one then build it )

- settlements are a great aspect of the game but they need URGENT fixes :

1) make an interface where u can see all the settlers and whatever they are doing so u can pick the ones who are doing nothing and give them a job , the default way of assigning settlers to jobs is PITA

2) make an alert on the UI when u have settlement attacks ( i know u don't lose anything , but it's still PITA to run after every plant to repair it )

3) :) the double settlement attacks are cute but stupid , 1 at a time please

as for enemies spawning inside the settlement it's fair , u don't always reach the battle in time sometme u enter the conflict when a battle is ongoing , and there is chaos everywhere , sometimes u arrive before the enemy does , it's fair

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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:39 pm

I haven't had any raids on my settlements that I have had the chance to get to yet though I will say the concept of them having one spawn point would get really boring. I already have Sanctuary set up so that if they were only coming over the bridge they wouldn't stand a chance. I personally would like to see them try different routes each time, including occasionally having them spawn in base because they presumably were stealthy enough to worm their way in (despite how unlikely that is based on the settlements that I've seen). Also, if you are noticing them spawning in the same spot in your base each time couldn't you just build a big box around it with turrets and mines to ensure their quick demise? Again, haven't had to really deal with the attacks on settlements yet so maybe I'm wrong.

I also kind of enjoy the idea of potentially being in the middle of a time sensitive quest and getting a notification saying that one of my settlements is under attack, forcing me to weigh out the potential consequences: Do I like that settlement, are my companions that I care about there, is this quest time sensitive, what is weighing on this quest, etc.etc.etc.

Also has there been a full confirmation that you auto fail if you don't show up for the raid? If so I don't fully understand this, you're not shlepping all the way from say diamond city back to sanctuary on foot in the short amount of time that a full on firefight would last. It seems a little silly if that's the case.

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