Item placement a bit odd, balance-wise.

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:18 am

After playing the game enough times to make several playthroughs to dissect everything I come across, I noticed that some of the item placements are very odd in terms of balance. What I mean is some weapons that you can find in the world that you would think would be in more dangerous spots or out of the player's reach by vast distances are usually only a hop and a skip away, effectively destroying the game's difficulty if the player got too curious.

An Example for me would be when I was playing my Unarmed character, I traveled up Northeastern side where I got out of Vault 111, and just traveled upwards to see if I spot anything interesting. Turns out I have, as not too far off in traveling, I encountered a large ravine with corpses beside what could be called a nest, with the Unarmed's most damaging weapon in the game: A Deathclaw Gauntlet. Turns out this place was for a more 'dangerous' quest called Devil's Due, but the weapon is here no matter if you took the quest or haven't even discovered it yet. Not complaining, but I just found it overall humorous when I'm walking about with Knuckles when all of a sudden the game is just "Ayyy, here ya go chief, YOU WIN!", what's worst, the Deathclaw Gauntlet requires no perk to upgrade it, so I was walking around doing 70 damage per swipe at lvl.9.

Anyone else experience some "Lolwut?" Moments within the game such as this?

Oh, and note: The Furious Power Fist is said to increase in damage per hit, but no one really knows if it's % wise, or if it's just a flat damage increase. If it's percentage-wise, it's potentially the most damaging Unarmed weapon in just a couple of hits, but if it's just a 'meh' flat increase of damage per hit, I wouldn't call it amazing.

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Sasha Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:55 pm

You are just being rewarded for exploring
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:54 am

If you want to make thing interesting you could just not use it. Go bare-knuckle. Lose the armor. Maybe wear a sequin dress. And of course keep the difficulty all the way up.

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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:27 pm

Really? since the weapon is a stone throw away from the Vault 111, usually there's a challenge when it comes to high tier weaponry in every Fallout game or at least an 'obstacle' that prevents the player from
acquiring top-end gear, or hidden easily before the naked eye, I wouldn't call taking a small jog to the north epic exploring of any sort.

I wasn't complaining about that at all, please read my topic. I state I have no issue with this, and I only found the event humorous on how easy it was to acquire such devastating weaponry. And interesting=/=dwindling enemy hp.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:52 am

I'm not very inclined to want a better "balanced" experience. While it is true some loot is placed at weird places, but it's mainly levelled lists screwing my fun/immersion (pipe weapons and jet in pre-war areas...). It also doesn't make sense that powerful weapons are ALWAYS in high level sectors. I mean, people died at random places and their weapon was not found until you get it. Some guy was lucky to find a good weapon, doesn't mean he was a hero, or someone who could use it effectively. I love finding unique gears at the end of a random tunnel with a skeleton next to it. I imagine what happened there, how this guy died, how unlucky he was that day.

I guess I just prefer the world to make sense, and not be balanced for the sake of balance. It is not a competitive game after all.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:47 am

Hmm I've explored around the vault in my latest save but I couldn't find that. And if the quest is what I think it is, about the egg, I'm sure I searched the area and didn't find it either. So it sounds like one of those cool things the devs put in that makes it possible to get a powerful item early in the game. I'm just surprised the deathclaw didn't kill you.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:22 am

You're splitting a fine hair, it seems. The way your parse your topic- hard to tell without tone. There is a camp here, small, granted, of those who dislike the game giving you powerful gear early.

There are no good tags or emoji for humor or irony on teh intahwebz, unfortunately.

The closest thing I've encountered to what you describe is the Deliverer. It's a 10mm silenced pistol with improved accuracy that uses virtually no AP per shot. VATS-crazed as I am, I can whittle down many things in a single VATS queue. I had the gun for a while, just sitting in my workbench while I found components to mod it and once i did I was blown away (forgive the pun- I am a slave to them). It's my "good" pistol. I have a heavily modded pipe pistol chambered for .45 rounds that's my beater.

I recently bumped up difficulty from Normal to Survival so I'm not really laughing with amusemant at how easily I kill anything though- right now (Lv. 40) I still have to work for it. Pretty fun, though!

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:19 am

We know it's not a competitive game, I was just stating how humorous it is to find a very powerful, end-game weapon that's a hop and a skip away from the starting position of Fallout 4. In terms of RPG, it's usually a good idea for a game to make the player 'work' for the item, through cunning, skill, or preparation, otherwise the player (or at least some players) will become bored of the sudden lack of challenge and feeling of boredom crawls in. I personally don't have a problem with it, but some do.

oh, the Deathclaw doesn't spawn until you have the egg and the quest is activated, basically. He'll go hostile if you steal the egg back or walk away from his appearance with the egg inside of your inventory.

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