After playing the game enough times to make several playthroughs to dissect everything I come across, I noticed that some of the item placements are very odd in terms of balance. What I mean is some weapons that you can find in the world that you would think would be in more dangerous spots or out of the player's reach by vast distances are usually only a hop and a skip away, effectively destroying the game's difficulty if the player got too curious.
An Example for me would be when I was playing my Unarmed character, I traveled up Northeastern side where I got out of Vault 111, and just traveled upwards to see if I spot anything interesting. Turns out I have, as not too far off in traveling, I encountered a large ravine with corpses beside what could be called a nest, with the Unarmed's most damaging weapon in the game: A Deathclaw Gauntlet. Turns out this place was for a more 'dangerous' quest called Devil's Due, but the weapon is here no matter if you took the quest or haven't even discovered it yet. Not complaining, but I just found it overall humorous when I'm walking about with Knuckles when all of a sudden the game is just "Ayyy, here ya go chief, YOU WIN!", what's worst, the Deathclaw Gauntlet requires no perk to upgrade it, so I was walking around doing 70 damage per swipe at lvl.9.
Anyone else experience some "Lolwut?" Moments within the game such as this?
Oh, and note: The Furious Power Fist is said to increase in damage per hit, but no one really knows if it's % wise, or if it's just a flat damage increase. If it's percentage-wise, it's potentially the most damaging Unarmed weapon in just a couple of hits, but if it's just a 'meh' flat increase of damage per hit, I wouldn't call it amazing.