Speaking of Institue and resources, are there any armor/weapons benches, cooking/chemistry stations in the Institue? Haven't seen them yet...
Speaking of Institue and resources, are there any armor/weapons benches, cooking/chemistry stations in the Institue? Haven't seen them yet...
Aside from the ability to craft weapons, armor, and chems, what good would it be to have a workshop there? They are pretty much self-sufficient when it comes to basic necessities like food, clothing, water and shelter. Unless you have a burning desire to construct a wooden shack within their gorgeous confines...
Actually, that might not be such a bad idea. Maybe when they see such an eyesore, they'll realize how hard people have it in the wasteland, become sympathetic and actually want to help people above ground.
But war, war never changes.
No cooking stations needed there, because Soylent Green is people.
I didn't vote because i'm still somewhat new to the game. I'm level 37 and been doing non-stop Minutemen quests with a bit of main questline. I just recently started the BoS quests, so I don't think i can make a fair judgement just yet.
with THAT said, i cant stand the Minutemen, mainly Preston Garvey. I feel like i'm really the ONLY minuteman there. Now i know I could take Preston along with me, but I feel like they're just chilling in sanctuary ripping on me when i'm gone. I occasionally see them picking crops but that's about it. I couldn't see myself siding with them at all.