power armor - current radiation level meter?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:49 am

Inexperienced with PA - I don't seem to see a gauge, meter, or screen function in my pip boy to show me current radiation level?

The rad exposure geiger I see - but that only tells rate of climb or drop in radiation around you, not total current exposure like the HP / red HP bar in non-PA UI.

Short of memorizing your max hp, and then checking pip boy status screen to see current hp max, is there a way to see radiation level without exiting PA?

And on PA UI subject - I don't see a rate of healing indicator either. The HP needle moves over time (in survival mode), but there's no outline shadow showing how far it has on current heal over time effect.

eg. in non-PA, eat food and you see shadow of bar indicating how much it will eventually heal,and what your current hp is vs where you will be once healed over time. In PA, there seems no indicator of that info - just basic anolog needle and you guess by experience how many food items to eat rather than seeing visual indicator.

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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:10 am

part of the health bar becomes red to signify your rad level. your health will max out wherever the red bar stops until your rads are healed.

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Katie Pollard
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:51 am

I only see the red bar when in non-power armor. When in PA, the UI is different - only HP indicator is an anolog dial needle, and rad needle is just an indicator of 0-10 rads/sec - no red bar or other way to see current rad level far as I can tell. Was hoping there was some pip boy or other screen function I hadn't seen before.

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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:51 am

Jacozilla, I've been looking for it (edit: it == total health after all healing items are consumed) for a while now and I'm pretty sure you can't see it in P.A. Unless I am totally blind you cannot get this informations with the PA Hud. Use the pipboy to see how much HP you'll get from food/healing items. You can still see the red bar for radiation on your Health Meter, although a bit harder to see than in the "normal" hud.

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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:30 am

u can see it on PA the HP will have a red bar

just get ALOT of radiation

remember that PA give u protection to it

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:20 am

ok thanks. 150+ hrs in FO4 and I now have about 1 hr in PA. Still getting used to the different UI and feel. Guess I haven't gotten enough rads yet for the red effect on HP dial to be noticeable.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:03 am

Just one of many reasons why the PA HUD is awful and makes power armour not an option for me.

Haven't worn any since that first quest and although I wouldn't wear it now anyway the main reason in the beginning few hours I avoided it was I don't want a different HUD

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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:13 am

I ran around in Power Armor constantly on one of my characters, and it wasn't until recently that I realized that the HP gauge shows rads. The setup of the Power Armor HUD needs better contrast on the radiation indicator.

As for seeing it, my suggestion is to take your Power Armor to a place where you can get irradiated, get out, and stand in the radiation until you're nearly dead. Get clear, then get into your Power Armor and look at your gauge again. It wasn't until I ended up in this situation that I was able to notice the red portion of the health gauge, and even then, I only noticed it as it went away after using a Radaway. And that's after probably about 20 hours of constant Power Armor use. So don't feel bad for not noticing. I didn't, either.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:18 pm

Yeah, the red on the Power Armor HUD is really hard to make out (even worse if you're partially colorblind, heyo), but it's there. The rads dial next to your HP is meant to show the amount of rads you're taking in at that moment.

If it helps, aiming through a scope shows the regular HUD, and you can see it in VATS I think.

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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:26 am

Yes, as most people here have said, it is shown in the power armor health meter. However, especially on low amounts it's very easy to confuse for being just part of the background image. It shows red coloration arc in the tail end of the hp cauge and can look very much like speed meters "you are gong too fast" part of it, until you note it actually grows or disappears along your rad level.
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Emmanuel Morales
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