Inexperienced with PA - I don't seem to see a gauge, meter, or screen function in my pip boy to show me current radiation level?
The rad exposure geiger I see - but that only tells rate of climb or drop in radiation around you, not total current exposure like the HP / red HP bar in non-PA UI.
Short of memorizing your max hp, and then checking pip boy status screen to see current hp max, is there a way to see radiation level without exiting PA?
And on PA UI subject - I don't see a rate of healing indicator either. The HP needle moves over time (in survival mode), but there's no outline shadow showing how far it has on current heal over time effect.
eg. in non-PA, eat food and you see shadow of bar indicating how much it will eventually heal,and what your current hp is vs where you will be once healed over time. In PA, there seems no indicator of that info - just basic anolog needle and you guess by experience how many food items to eat rather than seeing visual indicator.