There seems to be a lot of flaws…a lot of inconsistencies in Fallout 4, as I personally see them. For example, if you are to build settlements the you must spend hours scrounging around the Commonwealth for the crap. The notion of sending a settler from one place to another to set up a link between the two….a supply line.... doesn’t seem to work all that well. At one point I had a 1000 of every piece of crap at Sanctuary. So, I sent a settler to the Red Rocket Station. Only to find that he delivered barely anything at all. As a result I had to open up the console and add the crap that I needed, one code at a time. Even that gets boring after a while: All that typing.
Another thing that is bothersome is trying to romance Cait. I have an extremely hard time taking her around doing Minuteman quests, because no matter how I respond, no matter what I say, I invariably get a “Cait dislikes that” response. Just this morning in just one conversation with an NPC at the Covenant I received two “dislikes in a row. Regardless of how I responded Cait did not like any of it. And, I replayed that scene twice, choosing different responses, having saved the game beforehand. I finally had to get out of the game in disgust. The only other option with Cait is to fast travel back and forth from Vault 111 to the Red Rocket Station thirty-four times in order to affectively romance her. That gets boring too.