Something I'd love to see... (Mod or even DLC)

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:30 am

Wave Survival.. If you consider it, it's all there it just needs to be put together the right way...

So take a settlement, Sanctuary... Your first night you have to simply defend Sanctuary with what you have (say 10mm pistol and a melee weapon), when the enemies stop, you loot, sleep to skip to the day and then everything you've looted can then be spent (enemies would have to drop bottle caps & resources of course)

During the day you use the workshop to build defenses, power, attract settlers, build trading stores and the more resources you accumulate, the harder and longer each night would get (pardon the wording)

After building walls, defenses and attracting settlers, you can then build trading stores where I you can spend bottle caps on all sorts of things such as buying better weapons, more resources, Armour/Power Armour, Med supplies and food etc even flares and Vertibird signals to bring in some back up. This can include buying items to 'upgrade' your settlers that have joined you. Think of it as a cross between something like Minecraft's Survival and Modern Warfare 3's Wave Survival mode.

Even things like happiness can affect your fellow settler's will to survive and how well they perform.

I realise this is something that seems a little out there but like I say. The resources are essentially there you'd just have to put the together a litle differently than it's in now

Anyone got any thoughts on this?

And thanks for reading I realise it's rather long
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Mariaa EM.
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