Tell me why my first encounter with a legendary mythic deathclaw is ruined by a loot drop of a Bloodied Rolling Pin legendary item!?
What the serious hell..?
Tell me why my first encounter with a legendary mythic deathclaw is ruined by a loot drop of a Bloodied Rolling Pin legendary item!?
What the serious hell..?
Bro...Spilling your coke on your console is bad luck, this... this is just horrible loot planning, this is something id expect from a ghoul, lowbe raider or radroach
Oh I will, i freakin kept it. Its like the worlds worse prank
That isn't a loot fail, this is a calling. Go buy/find a chef hat and a lab coat. Don those bad boys and enjoy your newfound super hero identity as The Baker, turning up the heat on the bad guys. Where justice is kneaded, The Baker will rise. Evil doers beware! Your dough will be pounded and rolled.
Hahahaha Ahahahaha Hahahaha *dead* omg my lungs, i think ill so do that. i already kill deathclaws with my combat knife ill just switch personas
LOL I can see it now, sitting around the local watering holes across the wasteland and hearing tales of "The Baker" Now see that is what Roll Playing is all about.
Roll playing lol i see what you did there... I shall kneed the dough of vengeance!
RNJesus strikes again.
I found a Poisoners Fat Man on a fairly low level Legendary Raider. I'm still not sure whether the RNGods were being kind or laughing at me.
Hahaha! There is a chef's hat in the game so if you took a screen shot with a lab coat, chef's hat and wielding the rolling pin that'd be hilarious.
LOL, that's great. I also for a "Somewhat" clean postal uniform and hat. Does that make this game unoffically Postal 3?