I just don't get this. Let's talk about Sanctuary just as an example.
22 settlers
25 beds, all indoors, spaced one bed per floor tile
36 food
182 water
162 defense, place hasn't been attacked since very early in the game
Level 3 shops, one of each, and the bar has a spacious, nicely decorated patio area to hang out in
I understand that this is not enough to get to 100% happiness, but why on Earth should the happiness drop from 87 to 47 in two game days? No attacks, no kidnappings, no raider or ghoul problems... nothing has changed.
From a story standpoint it makes no sense. With their three meals a day, warm beds and ring of turrets to live behind these jerks should be tap dancing in the streets. From a game mechanics standpoint it makes no sense either because, as I said, there's been no material change in their condition.
Can anyone who's hardcoe into settlement management give me some insight here?