[TUT]How to divideremove components from modelstextures

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:40 am

I just wrote a little tutorial on how to hack model/texture files in order to customize, f.e. armors and single parts from a model.

As example I want to divide the postman bag from the postman outfit, so I can use it as carry weight improving backpack:

I. The Mesh

1. download and install Nifskope Alpha http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/4136-nifskope-20-dev/
2. for convenience reasons copy all needed files to the desktop for easy access with Nifskope, files are:


3. now the first thing to do is renaming the files to your liking, do it!
4. let's start with the male postman outfit (PostmanM.nif), open it with Nifskope Alpha and expand the tree left of 0NiNode
5. now expand the tree besides BSSubIndexTriShape and BSLightningShaderProperty as well
6. right click on BSShaderTextureSet and do Block -> Insert -> NiA -> NiAlphaProperty see screenshots for reference...


7. in the newly created NiAlphaProperty scroll down and change Flags to 4844, and Threshold to 128...now save the file first time
8. now go to BSSubIndexTriShape and expand its BS Properties, the second BS Propertie is empty, double click on it and type 60
9. now you'll need to set the path for the material file, click on BSLightningShaderProperty right click on Name and select Edit String Index
10. there you want recreate the path for your future materials.bgsm file...mine is Mofakin\Postbag.BGSM...now safe again
11. now we want to set the path for future textures, just navigate to BSShaderTextureSet and change the names accordingly to the corresponding texture files, mine for example is Mofakin\Postbag_d.dds...don't forget about the normal map and specualr map path, which basically is the same just ending with _n and _s
12. repeat the procedur for the female mesh

Note that the root folder for materials is Materials, for textures is Textures and the root folder for models is Meshes, all custom folder emerge from those three!

Ib. First Person Meshe

We're not done here, because there's still the first person model you want to modifie so you don't get duplicated arms when wearing your mailbags. Let's go!

1. load your customized by name 1st person file, default name: PostmanM1stPerson.nif
2. expand the main tree (NiNode)
3. right click on the BSSubIndexTriShape , and remove the complete branch then save your file...you're done here!

II. The Textures

I use Gimp to edit textures, feel free to use what you prefer.

1. again copy all relevant textures to your desktop for easy access, files are: Post_War_Postman_d.dds
2. for the normal and specular maps you can either choose to edit the vanilla files, or, if you have the plugins for Gimp, make normals and speculars from your edited main texture
3. now in Gimp, use the eraser to remove all parts that are not the post bag, the final product should look similar to this...


...notice that you should focus on making high quality here, I just quickly and dirty made this for illustration

4. safe the file as DX1 (or whatever you claim is best) and preferly with mipmaps enabled, I won't go into much detail with Gimp, you should know what to do in texture programs?
5. now edit the normal map and specular map file, rename them properly, and then copy all three files to the correct path

I won't give any texture tutorials, use Google to figure how to properly make normal and specular maps for Fallout4 in Gimp. Basically there's a normal map plugin for Gimp, and you can easily make a specular map, by using the normal map file as base, and then correct the color values to the middle of the skala.

III. The Materials

This is the easiest part, just grap the original .bgsm file, rename it, and then edit it with http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3635/?

IV. Make the plugin

For now, in order to create plugins, we need to use FO4Edit, use Google to find it. Let's make this quick, as this is the most vital and at the same time tricky part, unless you've already gained experience with using FO4Edit as modding tool.

1. open FO4Edit with only Fallout4.esm loaded
2. You will need a instance of ArmorAddon, Armor, Constructible Items (with the number of components you want, I use 3 components), and optionally a object effect, find what you need inside the Fallout4.esm
3. right click on the instance you want to copy and choose "Copy as new record into...", you will then be prompted to give your plugin file a name, do it, give it something decent with proper prefixes!
4. now do this for all 3(4) instances of forms you want to copy into your new plugin file, then exit FO4Edit to let it safe
5. load your plugin in FO4Edit again and modifie the forms...from here you need to understand what you are doing, basically it's jsut a series of removal and edits, this is why it's so important to find a form for any of your instances that has a similar structure to the one you need for your custom forms. f.e, for the recipe you want to use leather, steel and cloth as components? Then you will need to find a recipe with 3 components...take a look at those screenshots to see how I modified my entries...


...once the CK is released, making plugins will be much more easy.

Now if you set up everything correctly, your character should have a wearable postbag like this...


Notice that this procedure is applicable for all models you want to customize in order to use single parts from the model. F.e. you could make a model that only shows bandoliers, or straps etc. Other armors that could be modified in order to get backpacks, are the Raider Outfit 3 and one of the BoS outfits. At least I'm aware of those having backpacks. Leave a note if you find more then these.

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Ebony Lawson
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