The distance at which shadows are being loaded in by the game seems to have been drastically reduced with this patch. To the extent that if you're walking around on a bright day, buildings which appear fully lit are suddenly bathed in shadow about 20 meters in front of you. This looks terrible. I've never noticed it at all before this patch, and it's extremely noticeable, so I have to assume that this is caused by the update.
Now maybe someone can prove me wrong and post videos of walking around in sunny Boston in the game from weeks ago that shows the same shadow-pop in. That would be helpful. But honestly, I don't think I could go weeks not noticing this.
On top of shadows there's now to my eyes much more obvious model detail pop-in. Bits and pieces suddenly pop in on buildings. Pre-patch I noticed some of this in the distance but nothing too close up and it wasn't very noticeable. Now it's very jarring.
If these issues are indeed a result of the patch perhaps Bethesda could explain why it was necessary to compromise the look of the game so heavily. There were no big performance issues with just walking around in the environments (aside from obvious problem locations like inside Trinity Tower), and it looks really poor, to the point where I'm discouraged from playing at all.