Player built shops & settlers don't mix... apparently

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:37 am

So overall I love the game so far.

Have an issue with player built shops in Sanctuary though.

So far I've built 2 stores, a trader store and a weapons store. The trader store was the first one built and I assigned a settler to it no problem. Seemed to work ok.

I then built a weapons shop, and assigned a settler to it, but the settler refuses to go there, despite audio and visual confirmation that your command to assign the settler there worked. I tried commanding the settler to go to a location near to the shop, then assigning him/her to it, and that kind of worked (as I could use the store). But roll on next day (or going anywhere for a period of time), and he/she is gone.

I also noticed the trader shop guy disappeared as well, but I could always reassign someone to run it.

Obviously this is some kind of bug. I'm just wondering how the shop mechanics work for player built stores? Are we expected to assign a settler to it every time we want to use it? I've tried moving the stores to all sorts of locations, thinking it might be a clipping thing, but always get the same result. I haven't tried scrapping the stores and rebuilding yet, cos I don't have the caps to rebuild them.

Anyone else suffering from shop glitches?

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Olga Xx
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:00 am

I've not build the weapons shop yet.

So far, all I have is(Built in this order), Trade, Bar (aka drinks), and last a medical shop.

I noted in case of first two at times nobody was tending, during the day. However I think the tenders are just taking a break and wander off from time to time,

or due to Bethesda Game Engine 'Features" ™ they just disspear on occasion.

THe build interface shows them both to be occupied or tended to so I dont' worry about it.

Later on I may notice the yodles I assigned to be there, are actually there.

In the case of the medic shop, I"ve never noted the one that I assigned there to not be on duty during normal working hours.

Maybe she is just more diligent.


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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:07 pm

I couldn't get my tier 1 weapon shop to actually be tended no matter where I put it or who I assigned. I made a tier 2 though and that worked brilliantly. It could just be a bug with tier 1 weapon? My other shops all do well, especially the bar. There are some times the settler wanders off though... I just assume they're taking breaks for whatever AI reason. They're around usually during the day, and that's enough to make the occasional trades. Worst case, build the town bell and summoning everyone to find the trader you want so you can trade!

"Attention all citizens. Please report to town square for a lively game of where in the nine hells is my weapon vendor!"

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Aaron Clark
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:25 am

I have those two shops as well. The first time I assigned one of the named NPC's and he would never go to the store. So I just grabbed a "settler" and told him to go and he went fine. Keep in mind they do close after hours. Mine is only there from about 8 AM to 6 PM

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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:05 pm

I have built weapons, armour, trade, medic, and bar stalls all lvl2. The only issue I have had in tending them is if I assign one of the group you get with preston. I can assign one of them and they will tend it intially but whenever I come back they are back to doing something else. if I assign just a normal settler they have worked perfectly (for me) and are always there during the day once they walk to work in the morning from thier bed.

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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:44 pm

If it's presto so bunch they have pre assigned scripts, so try to keep it to new settlers, that may be what is causing problems
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:50 pm

When I tried assigning one of Preston's guys to a shop they only tended it for a minute or so before wandering off, so I assigned some of the generic Settlers to run them. It took a while, but after going somewhere else and fast travelling back to Sanctuary they were there working on them. I also hand to move my weapons store a bit before anyone would work it.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:14 pm

Sounds like the exact issue I'm having.

It tells me it's tended, and if the settler is near it, I can trade. But unless I force them close to it, they won't move.

I have many more caps now, so might try out a tier 2 shop - didn't even know you could! So cheers :D

Didn't take long to figure out assigning Preston's guys was pointless, cos after I spent a few minutes wandering, they were always back hammering the same never-changing wall lol.

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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:29 pm

Yeah... at least they can count as farmers!

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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:03 pm

Yup, at least there is that.

On a side note, t2 weapons store works fine :)
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:51 pm

This made me laugh way more than it should have.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:14 am

I'm kind of necroing this thread as I have a regular settler who was manning a tier two weapon/ammo shop who flat out disappeared. I can't find him anywhere in town and he doesn't come to the bell. I know he wasn't killed in a raid as I bartered with him recently (last time I was in town) and there haven't been any attacks since. In fact my town population says 12, but only 9 show up to the bell. One is that old lady who sits in the chair. She never comes and doesn't even sit in the chair anymore, but complains that she needs to. She just stands next to it and I can't select her (and therefore can't assign her to the chair) in workshop mode. The chair used to be green and assigned to her, now it's red and unassigned. Bugged, bugged, bugged. :ahhh:

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