Have had no new settlers to sanctuary for 2 days now
im on xbox one
i have the radio beacon (yes its turned on)
i have 8 people, 22 water, 12 food, 12 power, 12 beds, 66 defense
happiness is on 82
but im stuck on 8 population, i have 6 charisma if that matters and both local leader perks
when i first built radio beacon 2 settlers turned up almost instantly (built beacon, fast traveled to diner to sell some [censored] to trudy, fast traveled back and bang 2 new settlers) then another turned up not long after bringing my total to 8 but it has been on 8 now for 2 (real life) days with no one else ever turning up, i am unsure what im doing wrong as i have more resource than needed?
i have built a 3 story house and have made plenty of bedrooms/living rooms in the houses all with decorations and looking all pretty etc
also i have been on 82 happiness for 2 days with a red arrow next to it but the happiness value has not dropped any? nor is there anything that i can think of thats causing that red arrow?
i have meet a few guys n gals out in the wasteland walking around called "settler" i have read (and the game tells me) that you can recruit these people but when ever i talk to them (with my red dress and minute man hat giving me 9 cha if that matters) all my character and they always say is just "hi" i dont get any conversation menu or anything?
having issues getting powered items to work, is this bugged?
the blue house to the left of the trail leading up to vault 111 i have set up a sleeping and living area for my peeps, there are tvs and lights inside and industrial lights outside doorway etc and that all works perfectly but in the house i built none of this works, i have power connected but nothing will work.
sometimes when i am moving the light around in workshop mode it will suddenly light up but then when i place it it goes off again, then when i pickup and move it wont light up or it will light up, turn off, light up, turn off etc constantly and non stop but will never ever light up when placed even if i stick right next to a conduit
Have built 2 shops, a weapons shop and a junk shop. Whoever i place in the weapons shop i have a normal conversation interface come up where i can choose to either trade to give them better armour and weapons eg or i can barter, but whoever i place in the junk shop as soon as i click on them it goes straight to barter interface so i cannot give them better armour/weapons.
having the same issues ive seen on here with food crops too, cant pickup/harvest/move certain food plants