All things good about Fallout 4

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:02 pm

I love the way Bethesda creates open worlds.

I love that they allow me to create any character type I want without the game mechanics limiting me.

My imagination is the only boundry. The only thing the game really makes me do is exit Vault 111. After that.......
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:15 pm

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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:55 pm

I actually feel like I was part of a faction in this game, versus the "Outsider who helped us." Something I hadn't really felt from the other bethesda games.

Also, the companions and romances were good. Very good. It's actually the top thing on my list I want to see more of in DLC content.

Power armor is fabulous

Graphically, I find the game to be beautiful. It's stylized- and I like that. Fallout is a universe I never want to see in Order: 1886 graphic fidelity. With so much focus put into things looking *realistic* the actual experience tends to feel more hollow.

The Weather Systems. Such a little thing, but just so neat.

I've been enjoying the settlement stuff too, but I think we need a lot more furniture added. (Go go mods)

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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:54 am

I love that some of the extra quests are rather hidden and require you to get nosey yourself before they even pop up in your Pip-Boy.

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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:34 am

I've spent WAY too much time playing Bethesda games since the late 90s. The funny thing is I can never get enough. When gamesas releases a new open-world game, it's a life event for me. That might sound incredibly nerdy but it's true. I'd rather meet someone who works for Bethesda and talk them up rather than actors, etc.

Anyways, here's SOME of my list, because writing a full one would take way too long:

- The attention to detail. Take for example how skeletons and stuff are setup in specific rooms and locations. They tell a story without words but only if you're paying attention and perceptive

- The stuff in the terminals! I'm not one to read stuff like this in other games, but in Bethesda games I go out of my way to explore most if not all terminals and read all the stuff there. Often times, you will find hidden rewards this way that are otherwise extremely difficult to encounter otherwise

- The graphics and environment effects. I know a lot of people are bashing Fallout 4's visuals, but having just played through Fallout 3 recently, I think some of these complaints are ridiculous. One of my favorite new additions is bullets. When you are shooting or getting shot at and the bullets hit objects like wooden walls, etc they react accordingly. And the smoke trail from bullets is just sixy as all hell. It makes firefights way more immersive, IMO

- I don't miss repairing my items - not at all. So whoever thought of that - THANK YOU!

- Content! There is just SO MUCH of it compared to Fallout 3 which had a ton to begin with. This is one of my favorite aspects of how gamesas approach open-world gaming; if you like to explore and scavenge, they give you REASONS and REWARDS for doing it!

- The game's music! It feels a lot more varied and dynamic than previous games.

- Weapon and armor mods! Holy hell, how many hours have I spent just tinkering with this stuff! Definitely one of the better core additions they've done to the formula

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patricia kris
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:28 pm

The teddy bear with eye glasses and a fedora reading a newspaper on the edge of a toilet.....

Anything that makes you spit up your drink while you are hunting raiders in an apartment building is just awesome!

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Jacob Phillips
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