Warning, this is not for the faint of heart and probably only appealing to us hard-core wanderers.
As I've said in previous posts, one of the things that I've come to dislike in pretty much every open-world game is the fact that death is virtually meaningless. You get killed, just reload. And often our reloads are extremely close, if not precisely, where we were. In my opinion it really breaks immersion from the game as if you do not fear death. One of my favorite mods from Skyrim is http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45894/?. It added so much in the way of realism and a sense of fear and caution. I'm sure that mod will be made (or at least I hope) at some point for Fallout 4. However, even without it I believe that the effects of the mod, while not perfect, can be simulated. But I am curious about a couple things before I really incorporate this. The main question is if I place items in containers that are not in a settlement (just in the game world) will they stay there? Is there a certain amount of time they stay there? Also, if I give items to an enemy NPC will they remain in his inventory? Here's the reason(s) I ask and what I'm trying to accomplish. I'll give you a scenario of how this works (with no spoilers).
I recently did a quest where I had to fight a crew of "bad guys." I "died." Here's what I'd like to do (which is only possible on PC by the way). Go back to the place where I was bested and use the console to essentially give the crew's leader all my good stuff, weapons, armor, caps etc. Then I'd leave the area. This is the part that requires a bit of imagination as there's no way to simulate what "happened." But you can imagine any number of scenarios. In mine I'll assume that I was knocked unconscious rather than killed. I was stripped of all my good weapons, armor, caps, etc. and put in a cell/imprisoned by the crew I fought. However, I managed to escape the building but I've now lost all of my stuff. I must make a trip back home at this point (no fast traveling for me, ever) reacquire/pick up some weapons and return in hopes of defeating my enemy and taking my beloved weapons, armor and caps that were stolen from me.
Setting all of this up via the console commands is definitely possible. However, the question becomes... if it takes me a week (in game) to get another shot at him, will my stuff still be there? I remember doing this in Skyrim (with the mod) and there were few quests that gave me the satisfaction of getting my favorite sword/armor back after being defeated in battle. I remember one time a bandit marauder had stolen my favorite sword and was actually using it. I had to fight him and when I won the second time it was great to stand over him and reclaim my sword. I want to have the same experience in Fallout 4.