Maybe Extra Sound Effects For In-Game Pip-Boy?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:14 pm

A week or two ago before the release of Fallout there were videos posted on YouTube showing in game fottage of the Pip-Boy and one of the things that caught my ear was the possibility of the in-game Pip-Boy having soundeffects...but after finding out myself after playing a little,it was just an editing soundeffects they did in the video....but I got to thinking "why cant this happen with a patch?"For example so you have the in-game Pip-Boy open and your looking under STATS with the STATUS and then soundeffects would sound or your under STATS with S.P.E.C.I.A.L and your scrolling through your special stats and wowa soundeffects happen,just like you would hear under the Perk Chart or under STATS with Perks and wowa soundeffects you could hear....or you go under inventory and you "inspect" your various items of junk and you could hear the soundeffects of the items of junk,for example maybe hearing Shaun's Baby Rattler.FOR EXAMPLE ....This is just something to maybe have an added flavour of making the overall experience of how the game could be improved!!!

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A Dardzz
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